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We are in the pure one!

Wir sind im REINen!
Wir sind im REINen!
The first safety cabinet (EN 14470-1) for the storage of combustible liquids in pure areas for decades are safety cabinets the synonym for safe storage of combustible liquids in work areas. Based on the past state of the art it gave only limits for possibilities this solution in pure areas to use. For the building of a safety cabinet materials are necessary, which are partial for the pure area unsuitable dust producers. The dust formation is with the naked eye not to be recognized by conventional jobs negligibly small and. In the clean-room technology these particles can do however, them measure often less than twenty thousandth millimeter, an interference factor to become. During the production of semiconductors these particles e.g. affect like rock a motorway. Similar sensitive processes appear also in pure areas of other production departments as in space, medical technology, pharmaceutical and food industry and make appropriate demands against the brought in operational funds. Therefore each pure area is in dependence of the maximally permissible particle size and - classified and are subject strict standardized purity defaults mix. What however, if in this work space with combustible liquids one works at the same time and these also to be stored to have? Those so far much practiced solution was to store the media either unprotected in the pure area or with each need separately over an air-lock � air-showered �, almost dust free, to bring into the area. With the new CLASSIC pure M safety cabinet� becomes void for the user and operator. That world-wide first safety cabinet that not only the legal requirement for the storage of dangerous materials in Arbeitsr�umen* corresponds, but also as operational funds in pure areas to the class 5 according to ISO 14644-1 to be set up can. The class corresponds to the American standard M 3.5 = 100 to US Fed. Hr. 209e. The T�V north CERT determined and confirmed the pure space fitness in an examination following the VDI 2083. For the user the cabinet with its class type 90 (= fire ruggedness 90 minutes) in the case of fire gives to fight sufficiently time around the work space surely too left and the fire-brigade the best conditions the fire fast. The door of the CLASSIC pure M can remain even opened in the everyday enterprise. In series integrated determination plant is provided with a thermal cause, which closes the door at the latest starting from 50� Celsius ambient temperature automatically. The new CLASSIC pure M safety cabinet offers the proven security of D�PERTHAL products apart from high convenient operation, also. Apart from the design examination by the material test institute iBMB Braunschweig confirmed the independent T�V south in Eschborn the conformity to the DIN EN 14470-1. For the equipment and product security the CLASSIC LINE received the GS-Pr�fzeichen.* in accordance with technical rule combustible liquids (TRbF) to 20 appendix L�

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Becker C-Tec Systec & Solutions GmbH MT-Messtechnik