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Arburg presents High Tech solutions in Saudi Arabia

Arburg präsentiert High-Tech-Lösungen in Saudi-Arabien
Arburg präsentiert High-Tech-Lösungen in Saudi-Arabien
- � Higher of institutes for plastics Fabrication � educates specialists for Saudi Arabia out 15 Allrounder injection moulding machines in the employment - two-day Arburg seminar for customers, prospective customers and beginning of specialist Saudi Arabia plastic market booms. Therefore also the there field of training must make available the appropriate specialists. An institution, which took care of this task, is � the Higher of institutes for plastic Fabrication � (HIPF) in Riyadh, which trains young people in a occupation-schoolnear way as specialists in the plastics processing. 15 Allrounder are to the pupils in the range injection moulding at the disposal. Particularly for the customers in the packing and medicine range there this yearly an information seminar from the row took place � Technology on route � to current spraying casting topics in the summer, which was very well visited with 37 participants. Institut used the opportunity in the context of the meeting to present to the local plastic processing plants its training possibilities. On the second day then supplementing a Arburg Informationsseminar for the pupils of the HIPF took place. Institut orders within all processing ranges over technical Top equipment. Thus there are also further machines beside the 15 Allroundern to the practical training, for example in the sectors to blowing and thermoforming or extruding. Nine Japanese experts support 72 teachers and teachers as well as 25 further employees. Arburg selected this training centre also therefore as place of event for its seminar, because it is with its objectives near at the total topic � plastics processing �. 37 professional attendees comprehensively inform altogether 37 customers and prospective customers wanted to inform at the end of of May to the emphasis medical technology/pure space production as well as packing technology with the highlights of catches, thin wall containers and Inmould Labelling (IML). Several Arburg specialists were as speaking in the HIPF, in order to represent technical facts descriptive and to answer the questions of the present ones comprehensively. In addition information came to the advantages of the electrical and hybrid Arburg Allrounder. Also the Higher of institutes, its philosophy and its possibilities were presented the customers. Second meeting day belongs the SchuleAm second day was located then the training of the HIPF completely in the focus of the meeting. Beside the representation of significant differences between electrical and hydraulic machines the speaking took themselves also time to clarify the flexibility of the Arburg Spritzgie�technik with special product examples from the ranges pure area and packing. The pupils had an accordingly large interest in them ordered the platform. There were many detailed further inquiries from the plenum, which referred particularly to Allrounder and Selogica press control. Thus the meeting in two different regard was worthwhile itself. First Arburg customer and prospective customer could fundamental details to newest developments in current sectors of the injection moulding inform, afterwards to the pupils of the HIPF to Allrounder mechanical engineering and product solutions n�herbringen. Thus both Arburg could set themselves and the Higher of institutes for plastic Fabrication in this important regional market very well in scene and the present professional attendees of their efficiency in training, technology and service �berzeugen.HIPF as ideal location for � Technology on route �: Location leaders Joachim Branz (M.) and Sven Kitzlinger (R.) from the application technology consultation in Lo�burg were in demand interlocutors in things High end applications and Allrounder Spritzgie�technik. Photo: ARBURG

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72290 Loßburg


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