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Keep it simple ones � integrated solutions as beginning for expenditure reduction in the GMP surrounding field

Keep it Simple – Integrierte Lösungen als Ansatz zur Aufwandsreduzierung im GMP Umfeld
Keep it Simple – Integrierte Lösungen als Ansatz zur Aufwandsreduzierung im GMP Umfeld
Who does not know the scenario � straight has one successfully the repetition audit to the ISO 9000 certification behind itself brought, since straight again two customers and an authority representative for the next GMP announce themselves audits and/or inspections. All SOPs could not yet at all be brought and updated on conditions. And there also still the boss is appropriate for one in the ears, who would like to turn on absolutely still this year the Six sigma project, in order to arrange the enterprise altogether more efficient. Of the accumulated CAPAs, which environmental protection and industrial safety measures which can be introduced again would not like one there any longer to talk. The load of the increasing documents and processes, which develop in connection with always new quality assurance and efficiency increase projects, becomes intolerable. To be silent from overview completely. A production system is affected nevertheless always in each case by the same main factors: humans, the machines, the raw materials, the processes and quality control. Walk this not straight to think across a harmonization and a standardization all the associated requirements? To describe it with uniform documents and supervise with uniform characteristics? A system, which is subject to a uniform care and all standards and equally serves sets of rules. A dream? Not at all. one concerns oneself for a long time with this thoughts and already much the unification of such requirements discussed. � � the key word is called integrated solutions. Whether the integration of holistic quality assurance systems or the integration of GMP qualification activities stands again and again into routine engineer processes � the expenditure minimization, the reduction of time and costs in the foreground. And with it of 20. until 21 October in the congress hall in Freiburg taking place 3rd GMP exactly sets itself & Congress of technology apart. Advisers from the public and the industry discuss the beginnings existenten today, successes and use. Representatives from the industry point their solutions on the basis of best practices and discuss positive and negative Erfahrungen.Wenn also for you the harmonization of requirements, which are Verschlankung of quality assurance systems a topic, then register you this very day to this congress.

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