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Greiner Packaging invests into pure space production

Greiner Packaging investiert in die Reinraumproduktion
Greiner Packaging investiert in die Reinraumproduktion
Topmoderner pure area at the German production location Rastatt goes to at the end of of August 2011 into enterprise. The Austrian packing manufacturer Greiner Packaging international continues to develop its technology variety. In Rastatt (Baden-Wuerttemberg) fully airconditioned, 205 m � a large pure area of the class ISO 8 was established after EN ISO 14644-1. It can be rigged if necessary within few days on the class ISO 7. At the location Rastatt orders Greiner Packaging international over decades of experience within the range of packing production in multi-layer technology. This opens a multiplicity at possibilities due to its barrier characteristics. That is valid also for the market segment pharmaceutical one and cosmetics. Here pure space production plays a crucial role. In order to be able to use future market chances in the best possible way, Greiner Packaging international decided to an investment into the pure space technology. 20 weeks BauzeitDie construction period for the new pure area in Rastatt � inclusive qualification of the pure class of area amounted to � approximately 20 weeks. The area was designed in such a way that it makes as dust and germ-free a working as possible possible. Coworkers enter it by their own air-lock, are particularly qualified for pure space work and carry appropriate clothes. Permanent measurements of particles and germs in the pure spatial air guarantee that the demanded pure class of area is kept at any time. Clean WorkflowDer machinery in Rastatt is settled outside of the pure area. A-lived transportation volumes bring bundles under � laminarly flow � (turbulence-poor displacement current) by size-adjustable wall openings into the pure area. On Packtischen the visual check is made. The bundles come into special pure space bags, before they are hermetically welded under vacuum. Over a wall opening provided with a high-speed run gate they arrive into the material lock at the final packing. Further one since the early 1990er-Jahren is certified certify already the production location Rastatt according to ISO 9001. It has also a permission by the Federal Institution for material research and - examination (BAM) Berlin for the production of hazardous materials containers (UN-bottles). For the pure space range Greiner Packaging international aims in the medium term a certification after GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) DIN ISO 15378:2006.�

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