Pharmazie-Verpackungen: Sichere Abfüllung im Reinraum
With united authority the machine-builder Harro H�fliger and the image processing experts of STEMMER IMAGING realized a high speed racking plant for pharmaceutical function tube plants for the pure space range from pharmaceutical companies to conceive and build represent a special challenge. Also the production of drugs and medical solutions is closely linked with highest requirements at processing and quality. In the Swabian Allmersbach in the valley the Harro H�fliger packaging machines GmbH in these fastidious ranges since over a quarter century holistic system approaches and special purpose machines for pharmacy, for the chemical-technical range as well as for the sector food and luxury specialized and developed residents and internationally successful enterprises. To the outstanding strengths of the enterprise thereby pure space machines which are used with the manufacturing of pharmaceutical and medical products, count. � these plants must fulfill above average requirements �, explain Manfred Hild, department manager Steuerungstechnik with Harro H�fliger. This follows among other things from the fact that in the pure area frequently aggressive cleaning substances are used, which reduces the selection of the assigned materials substantially so Hild. � such plants must be cleaning friendly and a little repair susceptible, because can be accessed often only reduced the individual components. The integrated systems to measuring, lighting up or detecting must become usually in bonnet-gasket, which complicates its replacing in the error or case of maintenance and lengthily �, so the department manager continues. AufgabeEin current project of the Swabians, with which these difficult boundary conditions had again to be fulfilled, was delivered recently to the customer: The two, identical filling machines for � tubes so called for sip inoculation with still living anti-viruses, realized thereby, � make the filling of liquids or materials possible in the form of paste in plastic tubes. From these containers the user can squeeze out and use contents later � similarly as with a tooth paste tube - in a simple manner. � with the implementation of these two machines were not all optical material properties admits �, describes Manfred Hild one of the difficulties for its team. A larger challenge existed however in the selection of the optimal image processing components for the orientation station realized in the machine. Before this orientation station the tubes in not oriented situation are supplied. After isolating the tubes their adjustment takes place standing with the catch downward. A special grip arm takes up parallel ten tubes per work procedure and hands it over to Ausrichtdrehstation.Bevor the substances into the tubes to be filled can, must these be first aligned and into a given turning situation be brought. This intermediate step has two reasons: On the one hand by the defined adjustment it is guaranteed that the tubes do not break when late locking at their lengthwise-lateral joint and to become leaky to be able. On the other hand the fan mA manufacturer would like that tube-imprint yourself after sealing always in the given place find and thus are optimally readable. In each case ten tubes from the grip arm already mentioned will also hand realization obstacle to the realization to the task over to special photographs, where they are then turned in 400 ms around their longitudinal axis in position. Five CMOS cameras of the type examine DALSA genius of the Canadian manufacturer Teledyne DALSA in each case two tubes whether the printing marks in the correct places, applied for correct orientation, are. The evaluation of the picture signals conveyed via Gigabit Ethernet interface takes place by means of two PCs, on which the efficient vision pro software of Cognex analyzes the detailed pictures. The results of the evaluation to the trick act ions back are then communicated. In this way the image processing system guarantees that the positions of the ten tubes remain within the necessary accuracy of less than 2 degrees. The assigned DALSA genius cameras was able to supply the necessary picture rate a dissolution of the Objektfeldes of 1024, given by approximately 110 pictures per second with, x to 768 pixels with. � only one part of the picture for the adjustment of the tubes was necessary there, could we the cameras in the Partial Scan mode operate. Like that it was possible, the picture rate again too steigern" , Manfred Hild reports. Altogether the plant masters in this way more than 220 tubes per minute and shows thereby the demanded achievement for an cost-efficient production. With the selection of the suitable cameras however by far not yet all questions were answered. Due to the conception of the plant for the pure area the complete hardware for the image processing had within the machine in one particularly of Harro H�fliger developed housings to be accommodated. This housing is designed and had after GMP criteria (Good Manufacturing Practice) a surface with special coating, so that it can be easily cleaned. Since the assembly of the cameras, which was necessary objectives and the lighting because of the cleaning requirements in this housing under a windowpane, had the angle of the cameras is in such a way selected that the light reflexes of the lighting do not fall into the cameras. For the cameras was available besides only very little place in the housing. � we could solve this situation with 90� angle heads, to us our image processing partner STEMMER IMAGING for the assigned DALSA genius cameras recommended �, describe Hild. It was likewise problematic that a complete screen of the plant was not possible against foreign light and that tiltable tools of the machine rise up into the field of vision of the cameras. " These chrome-shining, moved parts produce all possible, disturbing reflections. We could however by software by a combination of edge identification he and histogram tools l�sen" , Manfred Hild describes the beginning found here. A further difficulty consisted besides of it, the edges of the white recognizing halftransparent tubes as well as the printing marks on the tubes before the background from silver steel or glass doors, available in the machine. Also here STEMMER IMAGING could offer a solution, as Hild describes: " With the tests in the course of the plant conception it showed up that LED lighting with wavelengths in the blue spectrum the best contrast between Tubus and printing mark as well as the tube edge to the background erzeugen." Image processing as Schl�sselelemenDie together with STEMMER IMAGING realized orientation station regards Hild as absolute key place of the machine: � the correct turning situation of the tubes before filling and the increase of the tube throughput were very important to the customer. We could fulfill these requirements only with the help of a suitable image processing system. � this statement can be also generalized after Hilds words: � pharmacy exists over all ranges away, from the plaster to the cap, on a 100-Prozent-Kontrolle of its products. For this reason there is no more machine in this industry practically without complex image processing. � this situation is also a reason for the fact that Harro H�fliger has contrary to other players of the industry specialist for the topic image processing in the own house. " We regard this technology as central topic of our work and can to our customers a more comprehensive and clearly faster service offer, if we ourselves over the appropriate know-how verf�gen" , Hild describes. With the many machines, which its enterprise per year realizes, that is the clearly more efficient way, is convinced it. Despite - or straight because of the existing image processing authority in the own enterprise relies the team the image processing components necessary by Manfred Hild on a strong supplier for. Hild found the suitable partner already for some time thereby from its view: � STEMMER IMAGING is in things image processing technology already since many years supplier for Harro H�fliger. I estimate thereby above all the Consulting achievements of the enterprise with the selection of the optimal components for respective application. That has us already often much time saved �, stresses Hild. Hella Gillig is with STEMMER IMAGING would tribleach Ansprechpartnerin for many of the projects already realized. She determines with their on certain fields of activity specialized colleague the suitable components and accomplishes also the necessary tests in the internal laboratory. � so we can always use the broad possibilities of our existence and fall back to the newest developments of our suppliers �, so Gillig. Its own image processing laboratory with comparably extensive and current equipment can afford hardly a customer, and also Manfred Hild appreciates this offer: � that I can go with my customers simply to STEMMER IMAGING and before ideas test there, am a mad service! � it calls a further reason for co-operation with the Puchheimer technology suppliers: � it ranks among the strategy of Harro H�fliger to refer image processing components from a hand and trust to products, which are world-wide available. The plants, which we build for our customers, are round around the globe in the use. For us it is very important from there that all assigned components can be replaced in emergency also internationally fast. � one both with Harro H�fliger and with STEMMER IMAGING as far as possible with standard components works there, can be safe the new owner of the function tube racking plant that the maintenance of the plant will not prepare problems for him. The assigned image processing components in the DetailIn of each of the two function tube racking plants of Harro H�fliger come five cameras of the type DALSA genius HM1024 von Teledyne DALSA to the employment, which are combined with a HF35HA optics of Fujinon as well as two bar-shaped, blue LDL2-146x30 lighting of CCS in each case. The data communication to the two Quad core Auswerterechnern with Cognex vision pro software takes place over GigE cables. The assigned lighting, optics, cameras and cables referred Harro H�fliger after internal tests all together over STEMMER IMAGING. Harro H�fliger: Machine-builder over StandardDie realization of machines with fastidious boundary conditions has the enterprise Harro H�fliger ( with head office in Allmersbach in the valley already many years ago to its principal activity field chosen. The enterprise with world-wide over 600 coworkers sees itself settled clearly above standard machine-builders, because it developed mainly specific machines for its internationally active customers me emphasis in the medicine and fan mA industry. In many further industrial industries Harro H�fliger enjoys a outstanding call than key supplier for production plants and system approaches, among other things within the range of the aseptischen technology, the Blister and tablet technology, the squirting and injector technology as well as with cap and powder filling machines and within wider ranges. In order to facilitate for international customers the life, the enterprise part of an authority net is machine-builder global acting, who supplies the pharmaceutical industry. � by the supplementing authority of these companies customers of the group from short ways and the fast solution profit from Problemen" , Manfred Hild describes. � in this firm group synergies can the ' be used, because; Teilen' from technologies development costs halve. The companies of the group can cover so not only a large field, but also offer achievements for favourable prices and e.g. make a 24-Stunden-Service possible. Picture: Employment of the DALSA genius with Harro H�fliger�
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