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Particle validation of the new spray button system

Partikelvalidierung des neuen Sprühkopfsystems
Partikelvalidierung des neuen Sprühkopfsystems
Authors: James Tucke, Steve Moss that� new SteriShield Delivery system secures the continuous sterility of spray bottle contents by the removal of risks, with that� Suck in of outside air are connected. Sucking in of outside air into the spray bottle, as it occurs with conventional spray bottles and whereby it can come to the contamination of bottle contents, surely prevented. Since its introduction the SteriShield Delivery system was world-wide successfully used, in order to keep the soundness upright of sterile alcohols, biocides and neutral cleaning agents in spraying formats. The validation study examines the potential risk of entering contamination, which by the spray button, when only possible Eingangsstelle can arrive into the system. The study compares the number more entering 0. 5m and 5m particles at different spray buttons, including the new SteriShield Delivery system spray button, in order to be able to represent during application a quantified evaluation of the risks of sucking in outside air. Description of the new SteriShield Delivery SystemDas new system consists of two substantial components,� indeed from the bottle with a koextrudierten integrated Surlyn��� Bag and the spray button. The liquid is within the bag. The bottle has the task during the use only to enclose and protect the bag. The kind of the� Spray button functioned without ventilation, possesses however to the patent announced singular characteristics. The departure lever drives a piston into the chamber of the spray button. With that� squeezes together the departure lever becomes the liquid from the chamber� the spray nozzle� out pressed,� a check valve prevents liquid back into the dipping tube arrived. If the departure lever is released, the negative pressure resulting from it pulls the liquid from the bag over the immersion tube into the chamber and stands there� ready for the next liquid is taken out of the integrated bag, collapses to this and all contents can be delivered. Two small holes at the bottle ground make the reconciliation possible of the air pressure around the integrated Surlyn bag, whereby collapsing the bottle is prevented. The only entrance into the Surlyn bag is the dipping tube. Since the dipping tube at the entrance is however completely sealed by the spray button, a closed system develops. Thus it is prevented that air is back sucked into the bag, as soon as the spraying mechanism is operated. In contrast to it, a conventional spray bottle without bags is equipped and the spray button belonged to the ventilated type, which makes the withdrawn liquid in the bottle for air possible to erstetzen. That is to prevent the bottles collapse, however is � in this case� still� Liquid in that� Bottle and� can by drawn in air be kontaminert. __________________________James Tucker is the European Portfoliomanager of Shield Medicare a division of Ecolab. James Tucker worked several years long as micro-biological researchers on that� Veterinary Laboratories Agency, which concentrated mainly on zoonotsiche diseases. It studied Degree in bio computer science at the Westminster university for the acquisition of the Masters. And afterwards its attention directed toward its � Chartered institutes OF marketing Diploma � and became� Product manager of a diagnostics manufacturer bef�rdet. James Tucker works for four years for Shield Medicare - a division of Ecolab and� its role covers the marketing range as well as the development of new products.

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Partikelvalidierung des neuen Sprühkopfsystems


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