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Sensirion refers a new factory in Switzerland

Sensirion bezieht in der Schweiz ein neues Produktionsgebäude
Sensirion bezieht in der Schweiz ein neues Produktionsgebäude
In the middle of July 2011 inaugurated Sensirion its new factory solemnly. After eight a monatigen change the again acquired manufacturing plant, only few hundred meters could of main building be removed, in the Swiss St�fa referred. With the purchase and change of the building the sensor manufacturer opens the place reserves, which became necessary by the growth of the past years. The building accommodates the entire production of the Hightech of enterprise, during in past main building further the development and sales departments, in foreseeable time as well as the administration at home are. Again are on three floors and on a surface of altogether 10 � 000m2 high-automated production lines. Four pure areas for the production of the innovative sensor solutions form the heart of the manufacturing plant to the measurement of moistening and temperature, gas and liquid flow as well as differential pressure. The largest, in accordance with ISO 6 certified pure area exhibits a surface of 1 � 000m2. The new building helps Sensirion with the avoidance of capacity bottlenecks and ensures time-fair and reliable world-wide distribution of annually millions of high-quality sensors. In addition it secures on a long-term basis the receipt of the current Firmenstandorts.Sensirions new factory basedly on innovativster building engineering. Owing to the air conditioning by means of earth sounding apparatuses and heat pumps as well as its own cooling system with heat recovery enormous energy conservation can be obtained. Also in the context of planning large attention was given to the topic security. Thus the new building has automatic fire extinguishing systems, smoke withdrawal systems and is divided into different autonomous fire compartments, which a high operating and thus delivery security guarantees. Picture: New factory of the Sensirion

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