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A strong combination: METROTOM � CALIGO � VAST Scan

Eine starke Kombination: METROTOM – CALIGO – VAST Scan
Eine starke Kombination: METROTOM – CALIGO – VAST Scan
Carl Zeiss makes his Computertomografen of the METROTOM row still more efficient: with the measuring software CALIGO, which derungen particularly for the Anfor in the Computertomografie far NT wind became, and which Scanning technology VAST CT Scan, which promises CT reconstructions in a fraction of the time. Beside the hardware above all the software is crucial for the efficiency of a measuring instrument. The newest software solution of Carl Zeiss is the measuring software CALIGO, which already replaced the past standard for the measurement of free forming surfaces within the body measuring technique. Now there is CALIGO also for the Computertomografen of the METROTOM row. As 64 bits software is CALIGO particularly suitably for the processing of high data sets, which result with Computertomo graphie. Thus with a 3D CT reconstruction in METROTOM up to eight the gigabyte at data are generated. Simply and schnellCALIGO the Metrotomografie makes in several respects faster: During the program IE rungsprozesses can put on and store the user in few steps collecting mains. Thus the programming of new construction units can be accelerated. On the other hand the software makes both a faster visualization of the volume data and a faster alignment possible of the respective construction unit and CAD model. Thus it supplies the comparison of nominal and actual values crucial for the further process in shortest time. Beyond that CALIGO is simple to serve, the user can the user upper surface now purposefully at its needs adapt. Scanning procedures increased productivity with the VAST CT Scan Carl Zeiss a new technology beyond that developed, which can supply if necessary up to ten times of fast picture results. Thus Carl Zeiss a break-through succeeded, which offers an interpretation left chen advantage in things flexibility to the research worker. The user can decide even depending upon requirement whether he needs a fast a high up in somewhat smaller dissolution, or result of measurement solving result in longer time. With the VAST CT Scan of Carl Zeiss affects the user so depending upon appropriate need the speed its measurement-fast repeating owing to repetition mode-frequently must measuring programs be repeated. With METROTOM becomes in the future clearly simpler owing to so-called repetition the mode. With a tool numerous construction units are manufactured, whose quality inspection always takes place after the same sample. From now on the research worker must program the METROTOM only once: The measuring instrument notes these attitudes and examines the remaining construction units for push of a button. So can also users, who are not experts, who repeated measurements simply and fast would drive through. � the Computertomografie is not today from the industrial measuring technique any more thinks. With the software CALIGO and the VAST CT Scan technology we have the technology with the metro tomografen helped by Carl Zeiss in puncto achievement ability crucially �, say Dr. Hubert Lettenbauer, leader trading area of system & CT with Carl Zeiss the division manufacturer measuring technique. Picture: Results of measurement in a tenth of the time�

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