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Hygiene risk � cables � in the grasp

Hygiene-Risiko „Kabel“ im Griff
Hygiene-Risiko „Kabel“ im Griff
Modular cable run system for pure areas and hygiene production of troughings and the cable run altogether save the danger of contamination in processes of pharmaceutical industry, the food processing and in particular in pure areas latently. An alternative to conventional coated steel pipelines represents a modular cable run system made of high-grade steel. In numerous enterprises � of the Big pharmaceutical ones � the solution is in Einsatz.Bis of process instruments completely without cables to already get along can, because they are supplied by battery and addressed by radio communication, some time will still pass. And also then the question of the energy supply remains. Straight ones during processes of far mA and food manufacturing, in particular in pure areas, in addition, in chemistry always represent troughings a contamination risk. In the tangle of open cable gutters dust and dirt collect themselves on and between the cables. Perhaps thus germ can prosper. In practice frequently used standard steel pipelines, which are coated among other things also with PVC, are comparatively expensive. The necessary empty pipes must in order to be sufficient for the high hygiene standards, be prefabricated, an adjustment with the installation locally are aufw�ndig. Often exists with the fact besides the danger that they are damaged with the installation. Special solutions are frequently also difficult in addition to install and increase the assembly expenditure locally. component system make possible the simple assembly forwards localwith the patented cable run system Hycon ( of the Irish offerer Dunreidy engineering to become cables which can be laid against it in a modular protection and photograph system accommodated, which can be installed also locally comparatively simply and fast. The cable run consists of high-grade steel 316L (DIN EN material Nrn. 1.4404, 1,4432, 1. 4435) and gets along without screwed elbows, clutches and fittings. The modular execution saves installation time and leads to cost savings when assembling. Welding the pipes in pure areas is void. Beside the high-grade steel pipes in 316 L the system consists of sealed, and/or sealable ceiling ducts, Verbindungst�cken, T-pipes, elbow unions with different angles, inspection boxes, reducers, assembly clips, Wandhalterungen, cable entry plug etc. For special and difficult structural problem definitions Dunreidy special solutions manufactures Kundenzeichnung.Das after cable run system in two remarks is offered: With the Hycon o the construction is completely closed and corresponds when professional assembling of the enclosure IP 68, category 1 (BS EN 60529). Hycon s is sealed against it partly and is applicable for closed, half open and open cable runs. Both systems are available in sizes of 1 to 4 tariff. It is classified UL. The cable run system is used among other things already with the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Novartis, Schering Plough, Merck, Janssen and further. In practice it showed up that by the use of Hycon the GMP Compliance is simplified. The users and assembly companies estimate thereby in particular the aspect that the implementing company can decide locally flexibly, like the installation to take place are, in particular, if the planned list of machines changes or an additional installation and/or a change is necessary. Germany contact:� Guenther A. Heilos, Management Consulting, Phone:� +49 (0) 6188 991783�

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