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Small alcohol content: Bacillol� 30 Foam

Geringer Alkoholgehalt: Bacillol® 30 Foam
Geringer Alkoholgehalt: Bacillol® 30 Foam
For the disinfecting cleaning of particularly sensitive surfaces VWR has internationally GmbH immediately the new aldehyde-free high-speed disinfectant Bacilol� 30 Foam in Sortiment.Das ready for use product is characterised by a smaller alcohol content and comprehensively material-careful characteristics and made possible by means of special foam spray pump an application user-friendly on all washable material even sensitive plastic surfaces, imitation leathers, polysulfone, Makrolon� or Acrylglas�, which raise problems for conventional surface disinfectants frequently, can with Bacillol� 30 Foam with excellent compatibility be disinfected. The gutachterlich occupied material compatibility perfume and coloring material-free product results from the comparatively low alcohol content of 30 per cent. In connection with the broad action spectrum, which limited bactericidal one, Levurozidie, for Viruzidie as well as MNV, Polyoma and Rotaviren includes, Bacillol� 30 Foam for an effective high-speed disinfection within almost all hygiene-relevant ranges is suitable.�

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