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C-Tec ClearClean Becker Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH

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The high performance Sauger for the pure area

Der leistungsstarke Sauger für den Reinraum
Der leistungsstarke Sauger für den Reinraum
Whether it is handling small quantities of powders or buried liquids, dust eyes in a pure area is a regular procedure up to the ISO pure class of area 5, within some ranges even to ISO pure class of area 4.Damit a Sauger in a pure area to work may, must this be completely sterilizable and in addition the pure class of area keep. The IVT 1000 CR can be inserted up to the ISO pure class of area 5 and/or 4 and represents with its auto+pianoable body consisting of AISI 316 (V4A) a pure space Auger of highest quality. The machine is available both in dust class M and in dust class H. Examined and certified of the T�V (EN 60335-2-69). Dust class M (middle danger) to the separation of dust with an exposition limit value of larger than 0.1 mg/m �. More information

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Kretz + Wahl PMS Buchta MT-Messtechnik