Long night of the sciences to 01.07.2011 (18 o'clock - 1 o'clock) in Dresden
In the institute for Fraunhofer for electron-beam and plasma technology FEP the receipt is completely largely written by health, environment and knowledge. A solarclaimant author course shows for example, how much speed can be into renewable energies - without our environment of it takes damage. The station � health by purity and compatibility � clears up over it as one can achieve medical wonderworks with the sterilizing effect of the electron-beam - and thus the health receives. In addition there is a quantity to win in the Fraunhofer FEP: The price is hot. A mystery sheet over the function mode of the Photovoltaik makes pupils smart bears. To win there still more knowledge in form of a free participation in the Fraunhofer talents School is 2011 in Dresden. Here everyone becomes: Smartly for lau at one night! There are magic moments to experience in this year at the institute for Fraunhofer for finishing technique and applied material research IFAM. The scientists astonish e.g. with � over the water running for everyone � or bring � as from charm hand � metals to floating. Completely practically they in addition, the firmness of everyday things put such as mountain climber knots or Strumpfhosen in a traction test to the test - bring along your test objects simply. And naturally you can take your IFAM coin with home, even pressed, also in this year. Particularly to children and research-interested young people the attractive program of this year addresses itself to the institute for Fraunhofer for ceramic technologies and systems IKTS. So here small detectives can make their fingerprints electro-chemically visible, build giant puzzles up and experience worth knowing the production process and the use of foam ceramic(s) or participate simply with the lightning chess tournament with precious ceramic chessmen. Whom thereby the breath should go out, can undergo to a lung function test with ceramic pressure sensors or carry forward equal pure oxygen - locally produced with ceramic diaphragms - in the ballon. In addition, night of the sciences in the Fraunhofer IKTS exciting exhibits and lectures are ordered to the large visitors being enough approximately around the topic high speed ceramic(s). Thus for example a glass exhaust strand illustrates new ceramic material and manufacturing concepts for modern combustion chambers and waste gas systems. Beyond that one can microorganisms with its valuable cleaning the injection moulding of ceramic construction units, automated by waste water in a glass purification plant observe and Fraunhofer scientists with, over the shoulder look. The institute for Fraunhofer for material and radiation technology IWS promotes the juvenile prospective customers in this year with many offers above all. The slogan reads: Known like - research energy. No question of our energy Wissensparcours is with googles or Wikipedia to answer. With the answer search Pfiffigkeit and own activity of the visitors are in demand, because listening, exhibitions and own doing lead to the solution. Our visitors can for energy at a model motorway with a E-Bike produce and experience like energy stores to function. The scientists show the fact that a sticking seam holds a washing machine and explains this phenomenon. At the laser plants the IWS researchers present as with laser cuttings, - weld, - to be coated and laser structuring energy saved can. It gives to be astonished for everyone again a quantity to experience and win! Like already in the last years those are Fraunhofer CNT and Fraunhofer the IPMS again guests in the institute for Fraunhofer, and offer to the visitors highlights within the microelectronics range. Visitors of the conditions Fraunhofer of the CNT can pursue the way from the sand to the superchip at a model or begin at an animation a journey into the nano-world. High point, particularly for our small guests, is the experience to carry once separately a pure space suit. With this they can be able to be photographed then before the photo wall - a virtual pure area -. Further the possibility exists of taking a chip under a microscope under the magnifying glass as well as its knowledge in a Quiz too testen.OLED - small displays, large lights! Under this slogan the institute for Fraunhofer for photo niche of micro-systems IPMS presents the newest generation luminescent, more easily, ductile lights and micro displays, on organic, light emitting layers, which so-called OLEDs is based. The visitors can make themselves a picture, what is already possible with organic light emitting diodes today and in the future reality can become. In addition at the conditions: a compact spectrometer, which determines the alcohol content of liquids over the analysis of infra-red light. A common lecture program for Fraunhofer highlights will round the various offer off in the institute for Fraunhofer in the time of 19 to 22 o'clock.
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