Many women in part-time would work gladly longer
Half of the 36 million persons employed in Germany women are scarce. Each second works in part-time, either in an occupation liable to social security or in a mini job. Those are together more than nine million women. Half of the part-time-busy women a study of the institute for job market and occupation research (IAB) according to their agreed upon work time gladly would expand. � the results show that in particular with slightly busy women as well as with women, who carry regularly overtime out extension desires are to be expected �, determine IAB Forscherin Susanne Wanger. Women, who want to work gladly longer, have often a low vocational qualification and an income below average. Also women in East Germany and young women at the age wished themselves of 25 to 34 years more frequently a longer number of hours worked per week. On average regularly part-time-busy women would increase their agreed upon number of hours worked per week gladly by four hours. Slightly busy women would work gladly nine hours longer, thus IAB sound IAB expert Susanne Wanger the average number of hours worked per week of women by 2,6 hours on approximately 32 hours would increase, if all extension desires could be considered. Projected this would correspond to an active volume converted by 40.5 million hours weekly, into full time equivalents would about be this one million full time jobs. Wanger points out that the number of the employees increased since 1991 by 16 per cent, the active volume of women in the same time however only by four per cent rose. Thus today a somewhat higher active volume by clearly more female persons employed one furnish than in former times. Source: Institut for job market and occupation research
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