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With innovations pure room lights certified too at full extent for the first time

Mit Innovationen erstmals zu vollumfänglich zertifizierten Reinraumleuchten
Mit Innovationen erstmals zu vollumfänglich zertifizierten Reinraumleuchten
As world-wide the first photometric enterprise Fischer electrical and lighting system GmbH for their lights receive renowned Fraunhofer of the institute IPA in Stuttgart after for the first time accomplished full-extent examination of pure space certificates. Complete lights in addition, the used materials were tested. Seven examined series products can show a certificate for highest pure classes of area now. Company founder Fischer wants to provide in such a way for more security and reliability in the pure space environment. The convincing results already provided for the new assignment of a project within the research range. � we wanted to make and have it equivalent correct with the Fraunhofer Institut the full-extent examination for our pure room lights requested �, explain Friedrich Fischer. � finally our customers a confirmed by a document security are both over the used materials and over the entire installation light received �, so the founder and managing director Fischer electrical and lighting system GmbH in Sindelfingen. And indeed the pfiffige T�ftler seems to have met a nerve. In times, in which aggressive and resistant germs and viruses make the work more difficult in laboratories and hospitals exactly the same as in far mA, food and micro-system technology, can provide the reliably clean-spacesuited installation lights of the Sindelfinger within the range illuminating engineering for certified security. Bestnoten after world-wide recognized testof the seven examined series lights can show 2011 four the certificate for the suitability in pure class of area 1 for May and three for the suitability in pure class of area 2. were examined according to the strict standard DIN EN ISO 14644-1. � we are surprised, like well our products fared �, insure Fischer, � the immense expenditure nevertheless were finally worthwhile ourselves. � three pure room lights of different dimensions and Watt strengths with revision entrance were examined from the pure space side, how they are inserted frequently in hospitals and OPs as well as into the Life sience, the food technology or the micro-system technology. The moreover three module surface lights were tested, whose revision entrance takes place from the intermediate cover, how they are usually built into the Pharmaproduktion. Finally still another LED surface light came under the magnifying glass, which by its long maintenance-free time of up to 50.000 operation hours and more than interesting alternative ever more customer finds. The certificate for this product is likewise world-wide singular. Apart from the product examinations additionally the materials blocked by the Swabian exempt private company were examined and certified separately for their pure space fitness. Fischer uses special, antibacterial close and adhesives, degassing-free and chemically steady powder coatings as well as silicone-free materials. Special, sealing materials certified by the ILH in Berlin give security concerning the mikrobiellen amplifier off changeableness. , The standardised pure space fitness investigations Fraunhofer of the institute for production engineering and automation IPA in Stuttgart, recognized world-wide, were accomplished. Thus the emissions of airborne particles were exactly the same measured, like the degassing behavior and the chemical stability. Finally the conformity of the lighting installations was judged to the sets of rules EHEDG and GMP. The products and materials received all together Bestnoten. For the first time at all complete examinations requested � we were surprised that a light manufacturer stresses for the first time at all such an comprehensive and fastidious complete examination requested �, franc citizen of the institute for Fraunhofer. � in the past we had accomplished and had certified at the most partial examinations accordingly. � of the results the testers were very much done. They showed a high sense of responsibility for the special problem of the pure space structure with the manufacturer, it are said. Beyond that point yourself the large experience and authority of Fischer to development, construction and manufacturing Reinraumleuchten.Den customer greatest possible security give along the pure space certificates of the institute for Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart can Fischer his customers, who provide pure areas, now regarding the pure space fitness of its lights offer greatest possible security. With a current project this confirmed by a document security came recently to carrying. With the structure of a laboratory, in which with highly dangerous cytostatic drugs was to be busy, the order for the pure room lights, already assigned, was cancellation due to not for sufficiently respected certificates of the offerer and again assigned in favor of of Fischer. � the pure space farmer extends his quality to us as a supplier and scores thereby naturally at its customers �, notices Fischer finally. Picture: By seven examined series lights Fischer electrical and lighting system GmbH four can show the certificate for the suitability in pure class of area 1 and three for pure class of area 2.

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