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The round around carefree package

Das Rundum-sorglos-Paket
Das Rundum-sorglos-Paket
In the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry the trend goes ever more toward complete solutions. The advantages of the so-called turn key systems are obvious: Because it only one interface between clients and - taker gives, potenzielle sources of error are eliminated. Control systems for example can be integrated and tested more easily, if entire automation is planned by the equipment manufacturer. In addition with the Factory Acceptance test (FAT) all building groups only with a supplier are examined. That saves time and minimizes the costs. A uniformly developed documentation facilitates besides the decrease by the authorities. Thus production can be altogether in former times started with complete systems. The BWT pharmaceutical one & Biotech GmbH constantly extends product programs and services, in order to be able to offer to its customers such turn key systems. Under the well-known label name Christian Aqua supplies the Reinstmedienspezialist the production plants for Aqua Purificata (PW/HPW), to water with for injection purposes (WFI) and Reinstdampf (HP). This Produktportfolio is supplemented by pre and stored Peripherie.Dazu belongs the building of the appropriate storage and distributing systems up to the point of usage (POU) with the appropriate qualified control and process visualization systems. These make a user friendly and cGAMP (Good automation Practice current) conformal control and data acquisition possible. The manipulation security and integrity of the seized data after CFR (code OF federal regularization) 21 part 11 are ensured likewise. In addition the offer covers process systems for liquid media, CIP/SIP of cleaning systems as well as waste water treatment and/or inactivating by means of batch and continuous decontamination. If a far mA producer decides for a turn key system, BWT pharmaceutical one takes over & Biotech as general enterprise the central responsibility. All of its lines are particularly appropriate for an efficient and cost-saving processing in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry. The program consists of modular standardised building groups, which can be added with numerous options to most reliable and economical overall systems together. This reduces the risk of a process implementation with current production enterprise and makes possible also the conversion of nearly TRACK so called projects. After the delivery the internationally represented customer service supports the plant operators. Different service models are available: begun with GMP documented maintenance over calibrations of all process instrumentations, remote supervision and - diagnosis up to the entire maintenance and enterprise of the plant. Operating and cost security of the customer possess thereby priority. Services and spare part packages are adapted accordingly after personal requirements and needs. Thus the plant availability highest possible for the production-critical Reinstmediensysteme is ensured. Caption: BWT pharmaceutical one & Biotech supplies beside the production plants for Aqua Purificata (PW/HPW), water for injection purposes (WFI) and Reinstdampf (HP) also pre and stored periphery. After the delivery the customer service supports the plant operators with individually cut service model photo: BWT pharmaceutical one & Biotech�

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