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Biological chip and implants from new laboratories

Biochips und Implantate aus neuen Laboren
Biochips und Implantate aus neuen Laboren
The NMI in Reutlingen extends its research capacities in the micro-system and nano-technology for applications in the life science micro-system and nano-technology counts to the most important innovative engines, in particular in the application fields biotechnology and medical technology. The scientific and medical Institut (NMI) in Reutlingen extended now its possibilities for research, development as well as prototype and small-batch manufacturing of micro implants, bio sensors and nano-probes. As last stage of development 2010 referred NMI of the innovative forum a new pure area and laboratories for micro-system and nano-technology as well as structure and connection technique were finished placed and equipped. With the celebration to start-up on Thursday newest product and procedure innovations of the NMI stand for customers and with partner from science, hospital and economics in the center. For many years bio sensors, micro implants, neuro chips and micro fluidic systems stand in the focus of NMI developments. � the micro-system-technical developments serve several enterprises created in the surrounding field of the NMI as fundamental technology �, stress Hugo H�mmerle, institute leader of the NMI, the successful transfer of the results into the economy. Since 1996 and drives the Multi Channel of system MCS GmbH develops electricalphysiological measuring systems out with neuro chips from the NMI. The micro technology help also the 2001 outsourced Cytocentrics AG as basis to the equipment development for automated active substance tests at cell cultures. Developments of microelectrodes and biostable materials for the isolation and encapsulation of the breath-thin retina implants are converted by the 2003 created company Retina Implant AG in products and certified. In connection with the development of sensors for the medical diagnostics 2010 at the NMI the company sense2care were created. The NMI is Premiumpartner in three biomedical projects involved in the point cluster microTEC southwest. With its interdisciplinary expert's assessment in micro-system technology and biotechnology the NMI participates in the development of micro-systems, with which fast and surely viruses and tumor cells in the blood let themselves be proven, and which the continuous blood analysis clearly with critically ill patients within the intensive-medical range will improve. By the intelligent integration of many functions in ever smaller becoming construction units ever more fastidious applications become possible e.g. in the cellbased active substance testing, medical diagnostics and neuro technology. � straight lines for medicine-technical micro-systems, which will make more specific test and diagnostic procedures as well as more effective therapies possible, are crucial innovative working on and production methods of the micro-system technology as well as new combinations of biocompatible materials and safe designs. � Alfred Stett, deputy institute leader of the NMI describes, the meaning of the new equipment for current and future developments. Apart from the micro-system technology the nanotechnology is developed as new support leg. In the new areas possibilities for the development and small-batch manufacturing were created by micromechanical probes from silicon for the raster probe microscopy. In particular with near field probes to the optical and chemical analysis of technical and biological surfaces the NMI an area of application and research with growth potentials is opened both in the bio and for the material sciences. � new 170 m � the large pure area of the class ISO 5 and the new 130 m � large laboratories for structure and connection technique and sensor system extend our existing offer for research, development and small series production substantially �, are pleased Claus Burkhardt, director/conductor of the working group micro-system and nano-technology and responsible person for planning and enterprise of the new pure area. Were financed technology and equipment of the pure area with own resources of the NMI, subsidies of country, federation and European Union (EFRE) as well as with support of a in partnership connected Unternehmens.NMI application orientated research at the interface of bio and material sciences operates scientific and medical Institut at the University of T�bingenDas NMI. It had broad, interdisciplinary authority in trading areas pharmaceutical ones/biotechnology, bioengineering and surface/boundary surface technology. Since its establishment in the year 1985 the NMI, a non-profit foundation of civil right with seat in Reutlingen, to a solid bridge between basic research has itself and economics develops. In the division pharmaceutical ones/biotechnology supports the NMI the development of new medicines. New technologies and test are the center of attention to the analysis of ion channels, Proteinexpression and gene functions. In the bioengineering it goes around future technologies like the renewable medicine and micro medicine for new diagnostic and therapeutic beginnings. As supplier for the industry the NMI orders takes over for instance for bio sensor developments, Pharmascreening, Assay and cell cultural developments. For the boundary surface and microstructure analytics most modern equipment for spectroscopic and microscopic analyses is available in accredited test laboratories. In particular small and middle enterprises from the medical technology industry and different Zulieferbranchen use these possibilities for the development-supporting and production-accompanying analysis and for the quality assurance.

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