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Pfiffiger sensor adjusts number of revolutions on desired value

Pfiffiger Sensor reguliert Drehzahl auf Sollwert
Pfiffiger Sensor reguliert Drehzahl auf Sollwert
Innovative system approach creates security in agitator-high performance is it to be and as small and sturdily as possible. With the selection of the engine in the automated technology small size and mass are convincing advantages. The pneumatic motor exhibits thereby impressive values. Compared to a achievement-same electric motor it gets along with a third of the size and a fifth of the mass. Both with hand-guided machines and with the employment in plants that is an unbeatable argument per compressed air. But so far there was a deficiency - speed regulation. With an innovative governor for pneumatic motors the DEPRAG SCHULZ GmbH and CO sets. now new yardsticks: With the help of thought out sensor engineering the high performance pneumatic motor always holds the desired preselected number of revolutions. Produktmanagerin Dagmar D�bbelde explains: � characteristic of the pneumatic motor is that he can be operated in a broad field of changing loads. At complete discharge he works in the no-load operation with idling speed. If the load rises however, the number of revolutions of the pneumatic motor is reduced. A pneumatic motor can be operated in such a way - dependently of the load - from approx. 15% to 100% of the rated speed. � with applications, with which the torque changes, thus the number of revolutions varies accordingly. That can lead to problems. We take an agitator, in which for production a constant number of revolutions can be a condition. If the viscosity of the agitating property in the container or the agitating property quantity changes, it came so far to unpleasant changes of the number of revolutions. The desire to realize in the agitator a constant number of revolutions led now to the development of a governor for pneumatic motors by the renowned pneumatic motor manufacturer DEPRAG. The new DEPRAG governor works uncomplicatedly and reliably. The contactless number of revolutions sensor is integrated directly in the pneumatic motor between the actual sliding-vane motor and the transmission. It seizes the current number of revolutions, with which the drive works. The message of this actual value goes now in form of a digital signal to the automatic controller. The automatic controller � knows � the desired desired value, which can be adjusted comfortably over LC-display at the control. Now the automatic controller compares the two values. In the case of deviations between and TARGET IS a special valve is headed for, which adjusts the air flow for the air motor and thus its number of revolutions. Consequence: The pneumatic motor works constantly within the range of the desired was value for the first time developed this governor for an agitator in the chemical industry, in which aqueous suspensions and solutions are mixed in a beginning container. The agitator is operated both with a Propellerr�hrer or a Dissolverscheibe by Druckluftantrieb. Produktmanagerin Dagmar D�bbelde: � many of our new ideas develop in the discussion with the customer. With this application remaining the same number of revolutions is crucial for the quality of the product. Our engineers looked from there for an uncomplicated solution to regulate the number of revolutions. � the governor is used now with a pneumatic motor 67-028R from high-grade steel. The rated speed of this 1,200 W strong drive amounts to 1,250 revolutions/minute, the idling speed of 2,500 revolutions/minute and the rated load torque 9.2 Nm. All technical data refer thereby on an operating pressure of 6 bar. � the steered � pneumatic motor propels the agitator for a suspension within a viscosity range of 1-300 mPas and maintains thereby the number of revolutions in a given range of tolerance - independently of fluctuations of the viscosity and the level of the suspension in the Ansatzbeh�lter.Produktmanagerin Dagmar D�bbelde: � this new governor can be adapted however also to other applications. With some processes rather the control speed stands in the focus, with others arrives it more on the sensibility. Our DEPRAG governor can be parametrieren for both cases of application and is thus universally applicable. � back to the agitator. In this case it is not so important to adapt the number of revolutions in the case of deviations as fast as possible. For the quality management rather the high precision is crucial, with which remaining the same number of revolutions is realized. According to preset the innovative automatic controller obtains now a Konstanz of plus/minus 5 revolutions per minute and adapts with load changes within maximally 2 seconds the number of revolutions to the desired value. The new DEPRAG system proves its sensibility at most different numbers of revolutions. Also a sliding-vane motor with very small number of revolutions can be adjusted so. The number of revolutions is determined within the range of a whole revolution up to a 32stel revolution and adapted to the desired value. In addition, at high numbers of revolutions up to 80.000 revolutions/minute the DEPRAG automatic controller corrects equivalent lasting the number of revolutions value. Dagmar D�bbelde underlines: � the entire range of our compressed air sliding-vane motors is completely covered with this governor. � the proportional regulating valve of the pneumatic motor can be highly solubly exactly headed for and with it extremely. The output signal for the control of the valve amounts to 0-10V, the dissolution of the rule tension thereby 2,5mV.Der � steered � compressed air sliding-vane motor for the agitator consists of three components. Drives in the chemical industry must correspond as in the food processing to high hygiene standards. With the choice cleaning agent of an insensitive high-grade steel engine, which can be operated to for the employment in the pure area also oil-free, covers the machine these hygiene regulations reliably. Thus now the drive is based on a standard engine from ADVANCED the LINE manufactured in series made of high-quality high-grade steel. Equipped with the sensor and a special valve he forms the basis for the innovative system for speed regulation. The control module is preparatory for the DIN rail assembly in the user switchgear cabinet. At the user-friendly LC-display the desired number of revolutions value is stopped comfortably and uncomplicatedly. Produktmanagerin Dagmar D�bbelde summarizes: � with the additional offer of governors we would like to optimize proof of worth and develop our market position further. Difficulties with speed fluctuations during the current process belong now to the past. � the DEPRAG SCHULZ GmbH and CO. the market leader is considered for pneumatic motors as one. With 600 coworkers the company resident in the Bavarian Amberg is world-wide represented in over 50 countries. Beside innovative pneumatic motors the DEPRAG made itself a name in the area of automation and supply technology as Fullserviceanbieter also, as a specialist for high-quality screwing systems and as a manufacturer of pneumatic tools a name.

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92224 Amberg


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