Wissenschaftsministerin Wanka weiht Reinraum-Labore bei MHH-Partner corlife ein
Basis for work with human heart valves create up the area of the biotechnology advances Hanover a further step: To 16. May of this yearly goes the medical university Hanover (MHH) with new pure areas to the start. It concerns special production areas for the production of innovative implants. The pure area is operated in co-operation with the company corlife. The country Lower Saxony and the European commission financiers the construction measure with approximately one million euros. Professor Dr. Johanna Wanka, minister of Lower Saxony for science and culture, will inaugurate the areas together with professor Dr. Christopher tree, Forschungsdekan of the MHH, professor Dr. Axel Haverich, director of the MHH hospital for heart, thorax, transplant ion and container surgery (HTTG), and Dr. Michael Harder, managing director of corlife. With this mechanism on highest hygiene level we make a research possible in line with standard usage with direct application purchase and in the interest of the patient. We place the research still more strongly into the focus use for humans, stress the minister. Further Wanka underlines the fundamental meaning of the structure of research infrastructure by cooperative projects of universities with the economy. Since 2007 we used for this 60 million euros at state supports and funds of the structural promotion fund of the European Union and could thereby important impulses for the economy of Lower Saxony and for the creation of new jobs geben.corlife 2006 were based and concern ourselves with the development and production of cardiovascular medicine products and drugs. An emphasis is on the processing of biological heart valves. The donor flaps in a protected procedure are dezellularisiert, i.e. released from all cells. Only the connective tissue remains remaining. This matrix is implantiert the receiver and again settled by the body-own cells. So can be prevented to a repulsion reaction of the body. A further example of the products of the enterprise is a coupling system, with which with a heart surgery a permanent connection between a container and a prosthesis can be made. Assistance of this system is the operation time to be shortened and the complication rate after the interference to be lowered. corlife cooperates closely with the MHH, for example with the hospital for heart, thorax, transplant ion and container surgery. We worked in the past five years very systematically to develop from inventions of the MHH of products which are then manufactured in Hanover. The pure areas, which became possible by the support of the federal state government, are for it a condition, say professor Haverich. We combine our strengths: The MHH profited of the high quality assurance standard and the development authority the corlife, the corlife again profited of the innovative strength of the MHH, describes Dr. Michael Harder, managing director of the corlife concept co-operation. An important condition for the production of innovative implants is an almost germ-free and particle-poor manufacture environment, pure areas so called. Altogether four of it go now into enterprise. Pure areas are in such a way designed that the number of particles in air is kept there as small as possible. But ensure filter systems, which whirl up and suck air off. Up to 50 times per hour is exchanged air in the area. Directly in the work benches even up to 800 the times happens in the hour. Strict hygiene regulations are valid: All materials, which arrive into the areas, are disinfected in air-locks. The coworkers carry special suits, head hoods, practicing educators for the shoes and mouth protection. They must pass two air-locks, before they come to their jobs. In addition there is firm cleaning cycles for furniture, walls, covers, floors and work benches. We, now are only missing the regulatorischen, fulfill the technical facilities for the production explain Dr. Michael Harder. I assume we can start still in this year with the processing of human heart valves and the production of the container clutches. And we expect further innovative product ideas from the range of the renewable medicine, for example from the Excellency cluster REBIRTH, which we will convert together here.�
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