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Revolutionary new air particle counter with Touchscreen

Revolutionärer neuer Luftpartikelzähler mit Touchscreen
Revolutionärer neuer Luftpartikelzähler mit Touchscreen
�Very easy operation and only one Ger�tDie with two flow rates in a bio test AG introduces the singular, price-crowned APC SmartTouch air particle counter, which was conceived particularly for flow rates by both a Kubikfu� per minute (1 CFM) and 100 litre per minute (100 L/min.), which for clear cost advantages during pure space certification and - monitoring leads. The equipment can be served fast and comfortably over a colored Touchscreen and is equipped with two lithium ion batteries, which a flexible and a continuous ensure. In order human errors with to exclude, is it possible on the Touchscreen an illustration with the measuring points to be indicated to be able.�� � with its exciting and singular functions the APC SmartTouch system puts the measuring pole highly. There is to manage at present no comparable product, with that the air particle counting in far mA, Biotech, medical technology and food industry so flexibly and comfortably would let itself �, Dr. Frank Schulze, Executive Vice President microbiology the bio test AG ways of the different flow rates, which require the filter tests (ISO 14644-1) and the monitoring (ISO 14644-2) in pure areas, is thus used usually two different air particle counters. With the APC SmartTouch escape investments into further instruments and thus also the appropriate costs of regularly resulting Kalibrierungen.Der the APC SmartTouch is equipped with a large, colored and interactive Touchscreen. Navigation is simple and intuitive: It is made by generally common of icon. All necessary functions can be started from the main window, therefore no submenus must be headed for. Simple operability without operating instruction leads to substantial saving of time. For the visual representation of the measuring points (including the intended tie points) a diagram file is imported into the APC SmartTouch. The confirmation that the correct samples were taken, reduces the probability of Sammelfehlern clearly. The fixed names of the measuring points can be stored over the device often commodity and selected directly later, which saves again time. Also it is possible defined measuring parameters, like collecting mode, collecting time and initial waiting period to provide. The equipment is available in the two remarks high-grade steel and plastic with high-grade steel components. Around down-times during reloading to avoid it is equipped with Slots for two long-lived lithium ion batteries. In the plastic housing variant these are exchangeable even during the enterprise. Therefore the equipment is continuously usable. It offers thus maximum flexibility. The APC SmartTouch is optimally disinfectable and fulfills the strictest hygiene requirements. It is available as complete system, which contains extensive accessories, like a ISO-kinetic probe made of high-grade steel and a zero-filter. The singular characteristics of the APC SmartTouch found also the acknowledgment of the ASPEC (Association pour la Pr�vention et l' �tude de la Contamination): On the ContaminExpo Reinraumaustellung in Paris bio test for the APC SmartTouch was distinguished with the innovative price in the category � instruments �.

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