Neuer Interessenverband für eine starke Branche: Deutsches Reinraum-Institut e.V. gegründet
The authority and interests of the pure space economy effectively to represent, is the explained goal of the German pure space institute (DRRI), which assembled today in yard to the Saale. The establishment enterprises in the German-speaking countries give thereby current information about new developments and current trends to their role in this research-intensive and trend-setting technology industry public Stimme.Die, leading world-wide, to the core of the tasks of the German pure space institute (DRRI) will belong. By the establishment of the German pure space institute (DRRI) the authority and interests of this research-intensive technology industry in the German-speaking countries are bundled for the first time. The enterprises of the pure space industry in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are the global technology leaders. With 15.000 coworkers alone in Germany and an annual turnover of approximately 2.5 billion Euro carries the clean-room technology industry a crucial contribution for the success for technology and production location out Germany. The solemn establishment of the institute, which will have its seat in Berlin, took place on invitation of the Viessmann Technologies GmbH, one on clean-room technology specialized subsidiary of the Viessmann refrigeration technology AG. As first chairmen of the board of the institute Professor explained Dr. Horst Wei�sieker, joint founder of the DRRI and managing director of the T�V SOUTH Cleancert GmbH in Bergisch Gladbach: � without clean-room technology purely nothing at all does not go in crucial fields of our civilization. For the production of drugs clean-room technology is just as absolute condition as in the microchip and semiconductor production or in the foodstuffs industry. Also in the medical technology, in hospitals and laundries today nothing more fubnktioniert without clean-room technology. � � property manufacture practice - Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) � do not prescribe the EUKommission, American like international authorities, without the proof of appropriate manufacturing processes give it for drug a market permission in Europe and the USA �, stressed for yokes O. Keinath, first acting member of the board of the DRRI and added: � these high standards correspond however at the same time the Corporate Responsibility of the founder enterprises, to highest requirements feel completely particularly obligated new Institut �. Most research work for the advancement of the clean-room technology is carried out in Europe, stressed the founders. Worked on many European universities today on the topic clean-room technology, regularly appear relevant publications. Each year take place themselves over 50 conferences and exhibitions, with the newest developments and perspectives befassen.v.l.: Yokes O. Keinath, acting DRRI member of the board, professor Dr. Horst Wei�sieker, Viessmann Technologies managing director Andreas muzzle, Viessmann chief executive Armin Luczkowski, Viessmann Stiftungschef and deputy supervisory board chairmen Dieter Heinze
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