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Material test equipments of the zwicki LINE receive certificate to the pure space ability

Materialprüfmaschinen der zwicki-Line erhalten Zertifikat zur Reinraumfähigkeit
Materialprüfmaschinen der zwicki-Line erhalten Zertifikat zur Reinraumfähigkeit
The institute for Fraunhofer for production engineering and automation IPA in Stuttgart accomplished purity fitness and pure space fitness investigations at universal test equipments of the zwicki LINE. Based on these investigations material test equipments of the zwicki LINE may be used in pure areas of the air category of purity 7 in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14644-1! The production of medicine-technical or pharmaceutical products takes place to the majority in pure areas, in which the concentration of airborne particles is kept as necessary as small. The standard EN ISO 14644 describes the requirements to pure areas and associated pure space ranges. Here depending upon size and number the existing particle a classification is transacted after different pure classes of area. The production of medicine-technical parts takes place usually according to the air categories of purity 8 and 7. Thus material test equipments of the zwicki LINE can be used directly in this production or attached routining scopes. If higher demands are made against the pure class of area as e.g. in the Pharmaproduktion, then pinches a particularly adapted pure space edition of the zwicki LINE offers on, which may be used in pure areas of the air category of purity 6 in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14644-1. Picture: Material test equipment the zwickiLine with two work spaces. Here for example the Durchstechkraft as well as the plunger lift strength can be determined at the same time.�

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