DO Eindhoven produces most modern nano-wires with AIXTRON CCS plant
The technical University of (DO) Eindhoven in the Netherlands ordered a 3x2-Zoll CLOSE coup LED Showerhead MOCVD*-Anlage in the fourth quarter 2010. The plant is to be used for the production of gallium arsenide and indium phosphide-based nano-wires, nitrides as well as silicon semiconductors. After the distribution in the third quarter 2011 will a service team of AIXTRON Europe the plant in the modern pure area in Forschungsinstitut COBRA DO Eindhoven to install and in enterprise take. � we the CCS plant for the basic research to use to synthesize in particular in order complex semiconducting Nanodraht Heterostrukuren those werden" as active elements in solar cells, (bio) chemical sensors, used in the thermal electrical connection as well as in quantum information construction units; , professor describes Dr. Erik Bakkers of the department of semiconductor Nanophotonik to DOES Eindhoven. � these applications require outstanding electronic (mobility) and optical quality (line width/intensity) of the wires. I am sure that our requirements are covered optimally by the AIXTRON CLOSE coup LED Showerhead technology. With the versatile and efficient MOCVD plant our team will be able to put to Netherlands research institutes nano-wires and other relevant materials at the disposal. Besides we thereby the characteristics of nano-wires to steer and nano-wires with new material connections manufacture k�nnen." The Nanowire group DO Eindhoven took up in January 2010 its activities and in this time to the national center for the growth of nano-wires developed. Forschungsinstitut COBRA to DO Eindhoven is national center of the Netherlands for the research of iii-V connection semiconductors, opto-electronic construction units and systems. More than one hundred scientists and technician are busy with COBRA.
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