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Assumption within the range of quartz products - FOQ Produktspektrum with WDI

Übernahme im Bereich Quarzprodukte - FOQ-Produktspektrum bei WDI
Übernahme im Bereich Quarzprodukte - FOQ-Produktspektrum bei WDI
In the range quartz and Timingprodukte came it at the beginning of of February 2011 to an assumption of the enterprise FOQ Piezo technology from bath Rappenau by the enterprise IQD frequency Products from crew core, Somerset, UK. The assumption covers large production location in bath Rappenau with all production plants including Class-1000-Reinraum apart from the acquisition of all existing product Designs and the entire Intellectual Property also the 3600 m �. The German address firmiert immediately under the name IQD FOQ GmbH. Under the Prefix IQD FOQ also further the entire product spectrum is to the customer of FOQ at the disposal. The Class-1000-Reinraum makes production for IQD possible FOQ of quartz with a tolerance smaller than 1 ppm/year. IQD offers already a broad spectrum of High end oscillators such as VCXOs and OCXOs for the highest requirements in various applications. Paul Fear, Managing Director of IQD, took position as follows to the assumption of FOQ: � this strategically important acquisition improves our already very good position in the market for frequency-determining elements. The opening of a IQD sales office at the past location of FOQ makes still better and more intensive Kundenservice in Germany and Central Europe for us possible �. The enterprise WDI AG from whisk with Hamburg, specialized in quartz and frequency products, is responsible authorized Distributor of IQD and by the assumption also for the product spectrum of FOQ. WDI is since end of the 90's-years as Distributor and a representative numerous international manufacturer actively, among them altogether 15 from the quartz and oscillator range. With this suppliers WDI covers a very broad and complementary spectrum. In the holsteinschen whisk thus Second and Third SOURCE supplier from a hand can offer resident enterprises for many applications.�

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