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10. Benediktbeurer pure space days � 4./5. May 2011

10. Benediktbeurer Reinraumtage ? 4./5. Mai 2011
10. Benediktbeurer Reinraumtage ? 4./5. Mai 2011
In the medical technology; Pharmaceutical industry and in the chip industry coworker taken part works despite the high requirement on discipline nascently the habit in controlled environment already since years standard and for all on the processes. Products, media and process means, also humans, who are transferred into the manufacturing cells, are subjected to defined cleaning regulations. The constantly rising claims of quality to construction units for the guarantee of your operability require solutions when your production increasingly, in order to limit or at best even exclude unexpected influences from the production environment. This had as a consequence, which continued to spread always in the last years the trend after � pure manufacturing � and also new application fields were opened. The motivation is here very different: For example the optical characteristics of the construction units can be improved clearly and to be avoided disturbing refractions of light by enclosed impurities in light industry by the pure environments. In the medical technology the employment of one helps to reduce � more sterile � production the load to the frequently used plastic articles and offers thus to more economical materials of operational areas. In the automobile industry among other things optical seeming plays the crucial role in a great many cases. In many cases a sterile production for overall systems (the entire DEVICEs) costs, accomplished under strict boundary conditions, helps to save clearly with the production of plastic parts for the medical technology. Before 15 years the topic became � production of plastic articles under pure environments � for the first time in Heilbronn under the direction of Dr. Erwin B�rkle and Professor Dr. August Burr for a conference taken up. The conference at that time, also the following, surely gave the impact for reorientation in the industry, and sensitivity with the production of other, new products with high claims of quality was sharpened. Thus one finds today pure areas apart from the traditional ranges particularly with the production of technical construction units with highest requirements to the surface quality (Pianolackeffekte, display � s, nano-structured surfaces etc.). Depending upon requirement of the article the environment and be accordingly adapted also the quality assurance and documentation methods necessary for it must be adapted. The current topics and requirements resulting from it are presented for 10 years on the Benediktbeurer pure space days under the direction of Professor Gernod Dittel, Dr. Erwin B�rkle and Professor Peter Karlinger and discussed in circles of the participating specialized public. 10 the year old anniversary becomes Dr. B�rkle and Professor Dr. Burr a back and a view on the topic give. Mrs. Professor Dr. Kappstein will point out us in its Plenarvortrag the meaning of the hygiene in the clinical everyday life and to all participants surely important suggestions for coming product requirements will give. Into a further block the entire process chain becomes, from the product emergence up to the necessary requirements for the production for products from the Life Science range. The company game & K�pfer will give an empiric report on the entrance to the medical technology and will report on participants a suffering and joys to the technology. Not to be forgotten also in this year the reports to individual specialist areas of the clean-room technology. To mention here in particular a lecture with a Life demonstration for the clothing of the company Dastex is like also several contributions about standardization and process means under pure space condition to the conclusion 10. Benediktbeurer pure space days is analyzed intensively the topic permanently led during the product introduction � pure production � for and against � under the direction of Dr. B�rkle and Professor Dr. Wintermantel in form of a Plenardiskussion.

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10. Benediktbeurer Reinraumtage ? 4./5. Mai 2011

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83024 Rosenheim
Phone: +49 8031 8050
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