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PTS training service, Arnsberg - twenty years authority

PTS Training Service, Arnsberg - zwanzig Jahre Kompetenz
PTS Training Service, Arnsberg - zwanzig Jahre Kompetenz
, Then the enterprise slogan could be called joy in the work and success in the market. In qualitatively high-quality and current further training for pharmaceutical companies, active substance and medicine product manufacturers as well as their supplier PTS specialized training service. Thus on training approximately around the good practices (Good Practices), in addition project management, Pharmakovigilanz and Arzneimittelzulassung.Historie1991 created Reinhard Schnettler and Christiane Schnettler the enterprise. At first they offered to conferences, seminars and trainings, then Inhouse trainings followed. With this kind of the training the participants learn directly in their enterprises. A goal is about to be able to consider specific training course contents and target groups better. In few years PTS training service extended its service spectrum and structured logically its offer, always oriented at the target groups. Example for this is systematics of the meetings: Basis training, intensive training, seminar and conference. Thus 1994 the first conference of medicine product already took place, followed 1995 of the GMP conference. Meet since then annually GMP interesting made of university, authorities and industry and exchange knowledge and experiences. Further conference topics followed. In order to increase and the practice purchase secure the quality of the offers and meetings, PTS training service always co-operated with institutions such as universities, universities, federations as well as publishing houses and consulting firms. A constant dialogue with the authorities and enterprises acting world-wide manufactures the practice purchase. In co-operation with the university Albstadt Sigmaringen were started first intensive trainings. So could do already 1999? Expert with Abschlusspr�fung" are trained. With the globalization of the markets new trading areas opened. 2003 were lifted the enterprise PTS training Switzerland from the baptism. The management took over Reinhard Schnettler and Andrea May brook. Co-operation with the university Albstadt Sigmaringen, in particular with the course of studies Pharmatechnik was from existence: 2007 wrote themselves the first studying for the new contact study GQP (Good quality Practice), a whose goal is the advanced training of working persons. Meanwhile, PTS training service was established twenty years after its establishment as one of the prominent professional institutions for further education for the segments drugs, active substances and medicine products in the German-language countries. ? As long as it makes fun, I make PTS" Reinhard Schnettler says. Nevertheless, or straight therefore, he thinks of the future and would like the prominent position in the German-language countries on a long-term basis further to strengthen. With the entrance of the recent generation the adjustment of the enterprise is to be extended to the international market: world-wide also English-language offers are Ziel.LeistungsbereicheDen core of the enterprise form training courses, trainings and further training about Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and Good Clinical Practices (GCP). This offer spectrum could be extended by a multiplicity of topics. Training course contents are obtained zuHerstellung/production of drugs and WirkstoffenHilfsstoffherstellungInformationstechnologieLagerhaltungVerpackungTechnikBesonderheiten of the SterilfertigungQualifizierungProzessvalidierungValiderung of computer-assisted system medicine product production and - development-pharmaceutical research and development-clinical Pr�fpr�parateQualit�tskontrolleQualit�tsmanagementQualit�tssicherungTrain the coach-pharmaceutical-right-annually a multiplicity of further education meetings with participants from the pharmaceutical, active substance and medicine products manufacturing industry as well as their suppliers takes place. PTS training service offers thereby purposefully assistance for the management of vocational everyday life situations. The theoretical background is obtained, paired with concrete proposals for the expirations and goal-oriented Musterl�sungen.Die meetings by a team by moderators is developed. A staff of coworkers makes the necessary preparations, in order to guarantee the smooth operational sequence at the meeting place and the perfect quality of the participant documentations. The support of the participants forwards and during the meetings takes place via qualified specialized moderator technical and AngeboteDie again arranged homepage presented in clear form the services of the training course organizer. In addition basis trainings belong, in which bases, connections and legal defaults mediated as well as rules for the daily employment in the enterprise everyday life are derived. Seminars for specialists and such, who it to still become to want. Several specialized advisers prepare the topic compact and comprehensive. These meetings are enriched often by operating inspections, which make it for the participants possible? over the own edge of plate hinaus" to use the knowledge of other enterprises. Intensive training, thus further educations of several days with a high portion of fastidious Workshops. The participants can itself with a voluntary final examination to experts qualify. Conferences, to which representatives of industry, university and authority can meet and exchange themselves over trend-setting developments or legal bases. Thus the conferences offer the possibility of hearing opinions and experiences of a representative of the European or American health authority - an important chance in the time of the open markets. Inhouse training, training in the UnternehmenPTS Smart, a combination of Inhouse and external TrainingPTS Consult, a support for the preparation and execution of inspections and Audits.GQP study, a course of studies, which is appreciative after the national Act concerning universities and so that a high quality level guarantees. This contact study for scientists, the medical profession, pharmacists, engineers and technicians is particularly interesting. The term contact study means: " University in contact with practice! " PTS reading to the ranges pharmaceutical ones, active substances and medicine products is free of charge available for everyone. On-line offer contains: Reports, documents and link cross word mystery, those for training purposes or for knowledge examination to be used ability hyperfarm, an on-line abbreviation listing with more than 1200 terms and definition Web on the left of">

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Further information

PTS Logo_Quadrat
PTS Training Service
Wir sind die Experten für Schulungen in den Bereichen Pharma, Medizinprodukte und Wirkstoffe.
Am Freigericht 8
59759 Arnsberg
Phone: +49 2932 51477
Fax: +49 2932 51674


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