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MEDTEC Europe adds 2011 again

MEDTEC Europe legt 2011 nochmal zu
MEDTEC Europe legt 2011 nochmal zu
Large interest in medical technology is in Europe unbroken those prominent European trade fair for medical technology � MEDTEC Europe �, of 22. to 24. March 2011 in Stuttgart took place, could exceed the extremely growth-strong previous year in punkto exhibitor number, exhibition surface and number of visitors again. For success synergies according to the organizers of UBM Canon, which result from the supplementing parallel meetings S�dtec, 3C, RapidWorld and DesignMed, are important. Gregor Bischkopf, fair manager of the organizer UBM Canon, is pleased, when he can submit the final numbers to the MEDTEC Europe 2011. With 1003 exhibitors (previous year: 964) on 16,000 square meters (previous year: 14.900) into resounding 2, 4, 6 and 8 of the national fair Stuttgart was exceeded the extremely good assigment numbers of the previous year again around approximately five per cent. The exhibitors came from altogether 32 countries of Europe, America and Asia. At the same time the interest could be further forced with engineers, production specialists, designers and other Top Entscheidern, who inform in Stuttgart over current trends of the medical technology. Approximately 13,500 professional attendees (previous year: 13.000) was registered on the MEDTEC Europe 2011. With it the trade fair supports its place as prominent medicine-technical meeting in Europe, which is world-wide on the second place, behind the US-American fair � Medical Design & Manufacturing (MD& M) West � � likewise of UBM Canon organizes. For success are crucial according to Gregor Bischkopf beside the generally growing medical technology market the innovative and offer variety of the MEDTEC Europe and its accompanying fairs S�dTec, RapidWorld, 3C and the new DesignMed. It reaches from most diverse ranges of mechanical engineering, the electrical, control, plastic, connecting and packing method up to pure space topics, RWS ID prototyping and ever more importantly becoming microelectronics. For exhibitors such as visitors this many Synergieeffekte.Ebenso brought the conferences accomplished in the congress center and the accompanying innovative forum were positively accepted. Central one topics were this mark among other things the Orthop�die, the Dental and Kardiologietechnik. The always well visited forum satisfied visitors and advisers fully. �

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