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cleansman: Dr. Hans layer

cleansman: Dr. Hans Schicht
cleansman: Dr. Hans Schicht
Dr. Hans H. layer, soon 74, studied mechanical engineering at the Swiss federal technical university and attained a doctorate in process engineering. Already on the 1st day of its following industrial activity it 1970 confronted with the clean-room technology � a topic, which became the central theme of its professional activity. After 20 years industrial activity (of it 7 years in Brazil) is it since 1991 management consultants to topics of the clean-room technology and the contamination control. It participated world-wide in many meetings as an adviser, trade conferences organized, further education courses held and is author of numerous articles. Until a few years ago it was dedicated to representatives of Switzerland in the standard committees ISO/TC 209 and CEN/TC 243 � both the clean-room technology. The Swiss society for clean-room technology it served 1987-1994 as a president, is honour member of the Brazilian and Egyptian society for clean-room technology as well as Fellow American institutes of the OF Environmental Sciences and Technology IEST.Weitere memberships is ISPE (international Society for Pharmaceutical engineering), PDA (part duck ral Drug Association), PHSS (The Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Sciences Society) as well as VDI. Long years was he also a representative of Switzerland in the specialized committee clean-room technology the TGA/VDI.Men in the pure area � clean area on-line shows humans behind the standards and presents one � to pure area � - personality: What did you want to become as a child? Aircraft manufacturer which was your first car? A light blue Renault Dauphine, with 27 HP and crank handle for WinterstartWor�ber can be pleased you? e.g. over the melodischen singing of a blackbird in spring on which achievement you are particularly proud? A foundation of a firm to have released, those in the 10th year of their existence as a key supplier of a ISPE Facility OF the Year excellently become-becoming some technical achievement admire you at most? Before loud candidates falls me the answer heavily, my belly says however clearly: the rapid development aircraft construction with whom you would exchange gladly one month long? With nobody: there would one be constant a precise comparison ausgesetztIn which country would have you gladly a Zweitwohnsitz? In none: Hotels permit more flexibility whom would be you gladly meet? Motivating superior which to a book at present you would recommend? In the clean-room technology W. Whyte: Cleanroom Technology, 2nd Aufl.Was your favourite meal? Herb-wind (in Northern Germany is called: Kohlrouladen), ready I zuWas is your favourite music? Classical from H�ndel to Schostakowitsch, in particular however operas: there is my Favourites Don Giovanni (Mozart) and Chowanschtschina (mash ensuring ski) which was the best advice, which you got ever? That came from my wife: to assume an employment offered in Brazil. The most exciting years for the whole family credit you became a slogan? By ardua ad astra

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Dr. Hans Schicht
8126 Zumikon


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