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Current supply in pure areas with IPA certificate

Stromversorgung in Reinräumen mit IPA-Zertifikat
Stromversorgung in Reinräumen mit IPA-Zertifikat
In pure areas and laboratories a multiplicity of technical devices is used. Modern technologies, which were not used a few years ago yet. Often a supply of the jobs with sufficient connection types becomes difficult afterwards. Not only within the range of the current supply, but also with the supply of compresser air bleed ports or network and data connections. MOSER SYSTEM ELECTRICAL CONNECTION from beautiful forest in the Black Forest offers for this with its connection columns GMP conformal L�sungen.Wenn one as enterprise to the current conditions of modern production and research techniques fairly will wants, is indispensable it to use and regularly re-tool most modern manufacturing technologies. With the employment of newest devices it is often not done however. Often one is placed in the course its, before extensive problems. One of the largest problems is the supply of new devices with power connections or necessary data links. Since implements are additionally used or however later purchased, most spatial conditions push fast to their borders. An extremely efficient and economical solution offers here the company MOSER SYSTEM ELECTRICAL CONNECTION. Connection columns from anodized aluminum convince with a number of outstanding characteristics. In accordance with ISO 14644-1 their application type in pure areas of the air category of purity 1 with the IPA certificate was confirmed by the institute for Fraunhofer. By a problem-free cleaning and disinfection they fulfill all requirements at a Hygienic Design. The ceiling mounting supports besides with low turbulences a displacement current and thus the employment in laminar flow units. A special attention should be put however also on the flexible employment of the connection columns. By assembly meeting demand and an individual, as well as adaptable column length, in addition, by the possibility of an additional assembly of the complete systems ready to be installed, one is to be furnished and/or re-tooled to one, up to 6 meters of room height, in the position, economically pure areas with all necessary connections. Worked satisfactorily the employment of the connection columns particularly in microelectronics production, where the supply of power connections on large manufacturing areas and on individual jobs is necessary. Here simple wall channels are not appropriate and a special solution for this problem for a long time necessary. The more pleasing that the company MOSER SYSTEM ELECTRICAL CONNECTION certified its for many years connection columns for the employment in pure areas, in application, and as new partners in the professional pure space equipment presents itself.

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Moser Systemelektrik GmbH
78141 Schönwald


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