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The new OI premises for the close-to-reality development of innovative products of the medical technology

Neue OP-Räumlichkeiten für die realitätsnahe Entwicklung innovativer Produkte der Medizintechnik
Neue OP-Räumlichkeiten für die realitätsnahe Entwicklung innovativer Produkte der Medizintechnik
At the institute for Fraunhofer for production engineering and automation IPA becomes to 22. March 2011 starting from 18 o'clock a new demonstration and experimentation OI hall opens. The premises make the development and testing of new technologies under material conditions for the researchers and scientists possible. Emphasis is thereby on the implementing of innovative devices for the minimal invasive surgery as well as uses of robot-supported Assistenzsystemen. In order to ensure the construction of new products after the standards from tomorrow to, is the OI hall equipped with the most modern devices, as e.g. various endoscopes, ultrasonoscopes, scanners and a medical laser. Dr. - engineer January Stallkamp, department manager at the Fraunhofer IPA and with initiator, sees large chances in the new premises: � in the new OI hall can be co-operated future requirements and more success-oriented with physicians. New techniques can be tested in very realistic scenarios and demonstrated opposite operating surgeons. Thus the areas form an interface between the development and use of medicine-technical products. � his colleague Dr. med. Urs cutters, likewise department manager and with initiator adds: � such premises are in particular important for the development of the next generation of medicine-technical instruments, since this than so far are more complex. And but such an interface is necessary. � name givers of the new OI hall, which is so-called � Bozzini lab �, Philipp Bozzini, which developed for the first time a rigid medical endoscope, consisting of a lighting apparatus, a Wachskerze and a concave mirror. � the Bozzini lab � is � selected place 2011 � in the country of the ideas. Thus it is winner in the competition � 365 places in the country of the ideas �, which is accomplished by the location initiative � Germany � country of the ideas � in co-operation with the German bank. Under the patronage� the Federal President moves the competition ideas and� Projects into the center, which arrange the future of Germany active. As � selected place � � the Bozzini lab is � in the year a 2011 Ambassador for the country of the ideas and represents the innovative potential Deutschlands.Um the idea of the close-to-reality development of medicine-technical products for the specializedinterested public to make experiencable, celebrates that Fraunhofer IPA on the occasion of the award of the prize the opening of the new premises to 22. March 2011 starting from 18 o'clock on the institute center Stuttgart Vaihingen (IZS). Apart from the award of the prize the visitors expect a kurzweiliges lecture program with high-ranking speakers, guidance by the laboratories and more comfortably dailyended with music, wine and good discussions.

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