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IMS CHIP gets new electron-beam recorder

IMS CHIPS bekommt neuen Elektronenstrahl-Schreiber
IMS CHIPS bekommt neuen Elektronenstrahl-Schreiber
The microelectronics specialists in Stuttgart need more place for new Hightech equipment. On 15 February therefore the cut of the spade takes place to a pure space extension in Vaihingen. With IMS CHIP the pure area with a cultivation is increased around more than half of the past surface. The reason: ever smaller structures require always aufw�ndigere and larger devices. Microelectronics and the nanotechnology need in the future production plants, with which structures be produced can, which are over ten thousand times thinner far, as a human hair. IMS CHIP prepares for these requirements and becomes constituted an electron-beam writer of the newest generation of the company Vistec Electron Beam GmbH from Jena. This makes the exposure possible of various substrates with minimum structural widths of 30 nanometers with very high throughput. The financing of this aufw�ndigen, new major item of equipment was only possible over a research group between Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH and IMS CHIP. Both the country Baden-Wuerttemberg and Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH rendered financial support. Thus the world-wide unique technological infrastructure existing with IMS CHIP will be prepared for the next decade for the quantity production of nano-structures on round wafer and rectangular mask substrates. IMS CHIP supports primarily small and middle enterprises with the development of micro/nano-electronic and micro/nano-mechanical systems and components. Further IMS CHIP and Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH cooperates for many years in the area of high-complex scanner objectives, which are used in wafer scanners. This drives the world market leader ASML out (the Netherlands), which stands in strategic partnership with Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH. The new writer with IMS CHIP forms the basis for the continuation of this successful co-operation on the one hand and makes possible on the other hand that of IMS CHIP also further the most progressive structuring technology is to the medium-size partners and customers for your developments at the disposal. Picture: Nano-structures in silicon �

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