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Homepage of the Munitec GmbH radiates in new gloss

Homepage der Munitec GmbH strahlt in neuem Glanz
Homepage der Munitec GmbH strahlt in neuem Glanz
For now scarcely 25 years the Munitec equips sales GmbH enterprise of most different industries with high-quality pure space products. In this period not only within the range of the clean-room technology, but also regarding the provision of information of the buyers some did. The answer of the Munitec GmbH to this development is sobering up a complete new revision of their Internet presentation, with new features and strongly extended more Pers�nlichkeitDas anyway very abstract medium Internet in combination with rather emotionless pure space products is for many humans one rather mixture. The Munitec GmbH took up this problem and forced its solution as a primary goal of the conception for the new edition of its Internet site. The result can be able to be seen. Already on the starting side the visitors will receive now from the managing director personally (in form of a photo). That the new offer of pure product orientation the bridge to the customer and personality orientation strikes becomes at this� Place communicates clearly. A satisfaction equation and a list of the central enterprise principles are to show the visitor at first sight, with whom it has to do it and which it can expect with a partnership. More product width and � deep-evenly the personal aspect was strongly extended also the entire product range of the Munitec GmbH. All products were again abfotografiert, categorized and supplemented with descriptions and details. The visitor may look forward now to maximum transparency, clarity and detail depth. By the clear navigation structure each product search leads now into few seconds successfully to the goal. Products, which are not listed in on-line offer, can be supplied due to the large supplier network on request in most cases nevertheless.� More FunktionenDie central, functional extension of the new offer is the inquiry list so called. Just as usual goods basket systems in modern Onlineshops the visitor receives the possibility, interesting products with additional details, as the desired quantity by means of this function to note on a list. At the time of conclusion of the visit knows this inquiry list are called, and to which Munitec GmbH conveyed. The advisors contact then immediately the prospective customer and make to this an individual offer.

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