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LPKF Reinraum takes up enterprise

LPKF-Reinraum nimmt Betrieb auf
LPKF-Reinraum nimmt Betrieb auf
�LPKF Anwendungszentrum extends ProduktionsspektrumDer again created pure area at location attaining went to at the end of of 2010 into enterprise. LPKF LaserWelding uses it for the process evaluation when welding particularly more sensitively plastic product-micro-fluid systems is small charm crates, with which complex analyses or process on smallest area would drive through themselves leave. The fact that with a channel width and a welding seam width of only few micrometers disturb also small dust particle is comprehensible. These and other applications profit from the new LPKF Reinraum. It is laid out and according to the laminar flow principle is operated after category of purity ISO 5. That means: In the pure area prevails continuously a lighter positive pressure, which is fed from highly purified with low turbulences an air flow. Air escapes by slots in the ground and the walls and can be supplied after a renewed filter process again. The entire exhaust air there of the firmly installed laser systems is filtered and blown off outside of the clean range. An air-lock with protective clothing ensures for the fact that no contamination takes place from the outside. Additionally the jobs are equipped with laminar flow units, which the number of the airborne particles in the surrounding field of the sensitive Mikrofluidiken continues to reduce. The efforts bring already first fruits. Franc Brunnecker, division leader LPKF LaserWelding means: � the demand for ever more precise welding processes spurs our engineers. Thus we realized first welds with a laser focus of only 70 �m and procedures developed, those the quality of this seam already during the process surely documented �. The pure area already is in the enterprise: Laser engineers make there micro fluidic welds with transparency transparency adding partners.

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C-Tec Kretz + Wahl Becker HJM