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Keep the town center out!

Keep the city out!
Keep the city out!
ISH 2011: Camfil recruits with road show for better air quality in interiors� Camfil Farr starts to 15. March on the ISH 2011 an international road show about air quality in interiors. With a rolling information laboratory are to be confronted the population as well as politics, municipalities, industry and administrations of public buildings with the question: Is fine-dust free interior air not also a human right? On the loading area of a particularly conceived exhibition Trucks clarify interactively and medial prepared information, test series and suburban air measurements the explosiveness of fine dust loads for humans. A goal of the project is it to sensitize in the course of the next three years both private people and the specialized public for fine-dust free residence conditions for example in shopping centres, office buildings, airports, hotels or halls. Invisibly they are particularly dangerous: The multiple risk of air pollution particularly by fine types of dust seems generally admits to be. And nevertheless the possibilities for the health prevention and avoidance of economic damage are often not exhausted by appropriate air filtration fully. Here the cost factors seem to be more important with filter purchase and energy expenditure, than late reached Luftqualit�t.Auch a current revision of the existing standard DIN EN 779 for the classification of air cleaners, create only cause improvement for humans and sensitive industrial processes. � the average and recently also minimum efficiency values measured in independent testing methods provide for practicenear filter classifications; the requirement at air cleaner achievements is however still substantially smaller in Germany than in other countries of Europe. For example does the minimum efficiency of an air cleaner of the class F7 in Sweden (P-Marking) have to fulfill at least 50 per cent, during in Germany 35 per cent for the fulfillment of the straight modified standard is sufficient �, explains to Tobias room of the air cleaner manufacturer Camfil Farr.Ist clean interior air a human right? With this somewhat provocative question the road show is to make fine dust load attentive on the topic. Finally each humans in Central Europe spend on the average 80 per cent of his time in closed areas. � the technical possibilities of appropriate air filtration are exhausted only rarely, although hardly extra costs must be linked with improved filter results �, so rooms. The internationally acting company starts therefore a three years continuous road show. European-wide are invited private people as well as authorities and the specialized public to inform in the graduation Truck about the health effects of fine dust loads particularly for growing up children. The knowledge around the danger frequently under a micrometer large particle in air gives it approximately in form of a medial and interactively prepared exhibition concept. This contains among other things experimental setups, measurements of the local air conditions, or a science cinema.

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