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Lounges 2011 - Successful advancement

Lounges 2011 - Gelungene Weiterentwicklung
Lounges 2011 - Gelungene Weiterentwicklung
That the LOUNGES in the meantime confirmed gladly the large family � thus 214 issuing companies became grown-up and over 6.500 professional attendees, who had come to the fifth birthday of 15. until 17 February to Karlsruhe. In the meantime is already provided for new generation. A meeting succeeded again - content faces everywhere. The discussions with exhibitors and professional attendees confirm this first impression on over 200 series of lectures, at 250 issuing companies, on over 40 action stages, in many bar and discussion corners as well as with the evening meetings had over 6.500 professional attendees enormously the many possibilities on the most current conditions of the knowledge and � the branch whisper � to bring itself. The Community and network thought of the LOUNGES as ideal platform of modern communication was confirmed again. 80% the professional attendee came from the range of the pharmaceutical and biotechnological production processes and 15% from the ranges of food production. Over 60% the visitor are Entscheider in leading function. With a portion of 9% visitor from the foreign country rose the internationality in relation to the previous year easily. For the first time the analytics Lounge with its own range, a well visited lecture program, own action stage and bar was represented independently and will in the future develop themselves further. Still the Reinraum Lounge is the strongest grouping within the Lounges. It alone is in the meantime European-wide the most important meeting place to the topic � Contamination control �. Over 100 companies here the newest technologies and services showed. Whether the Live demonstrations were to the topic � Str�mungsvisualiserung �, � pure space fitness investigation in a Minienvironment �, � 3-D simulation for pure spatial planning � or � the dressing procedure �, large visitor grapes/clusters the happening with large of interest energy concepts, conception of projects as well as the entire range of the Facility management, always pursued, up to � Green pharmaceutical one � topics within the Facility Lounge. Finished projects whether buildings, RABS or insulator were among other things topics in lecture-range-current developments in the sets of rules, the quality management and the validation offered views of the different GxP ranges as well as with the inspector work the GMP Lounge with an extensive lecture program. The HygieniCon clearly added its self-sufficiency under the patronage of the EHEDG and with 25 companies taken part to this topic, an extensive lecture program, an action stage and a bar as well as an exhibition of EHEDG certified products under proof placed again. The daily � white sausage meal � was one of the magnets Veranstaltung.Die IPM Lounge (Integrated plague management) started in co-operation with the regional organizations North-Rhine/Westphalia and southwest of the DSV as well as the hygiene network the conception of interaction from precaution, fight and monitoring with Sch�dlingsbefall as well as the overview to hygiene measures.� The topic parasit management/IPM is united and developed further in the future with the topic hygiene. The production process of pharmaceutical and biotechnologiescher products always was like topic of the Pharmtech Lounge. Also within the lecture program this range with 37 lectures had very strong Anteil.Der a start of the Powder Lounge ran again much to much-promise. All approximately around the production process solid materials up to the topic Containment was offered in the exhibition and lecture range. The water Lounge confirmed its firm place in the Lounge concept. The issuing companies and a highly-qualified lecture program showed aspects of the topic � Pharmawasser �. Also � Rouging � and � Sanitisierung � were offered. Supply chain, Offshoring - misalignment of services, wage manufacturing and further services were the topics of the outsourcing Lounge. Naturally also the LOUNGES changes. Again in 2012 � the hygiene Lounge will be added � with the range IPM as well as the main topics � CSM (Cleanroom Suitable of material �). For � analytics Lounge � with the ranges process analytics, order analytics. GLP u.v.a.m. as well as � the Facility Lounge � with the ranges planning, building, enterprise, building engineering, Facility management, energy management u.v.a.m., are expected the strongest increases. Those became hardly grown-up� LOUNGES already new generation get. In the autumn 2012 � in Karlsruhe � the first VISION PHARMACEUTICAL ONE takes place likewise. The outward family similarity is to be denied desired and probably not. The crucial difference is to be naturally also recognized. While the LOUNGES continues to worry about the process-accompanying technologies such as pure area or Facility, the VISION PHARMACEUTICAL ONE concentrates on the pharmaceutical production process. With the topic fields the VISION PHARMACEUTICAL ONE the pharmaceutical and biotechnological processing and production process illustrates Manufacturing (production and processing), Packaging (packing and logistics), quality (analytics and quality assurance) as well as GXP Compliance (guidelines and sets of rules). Convince yourselves nevertheless of it. Under you find contents of the sixth LOUNGES� of 28.02. up to 01.03.2012 take place. Under all relevant data of the VISION are PHARMACEUTICAL ONES, which takes place of 09. to 11.10.2012, likewise in Karlsruhe, describe. The slogan is called now: � in the spring to the LOUNGES, in the autumn to the VISION PHARMACEUTICAL ONE.�

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Further information

Inspire GmbH - LOUNGES
Am Falltor 35
64625 Bensheim
Phone: +49 625 1706068

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