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Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH C-Tec PMS Becker

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KIND GmbH � the art of the clean-room technology

ART GmbH ? die Kunst der Reinraumtechnik
ART GmbH ? die Kunst der Reinraumtechnik
A Swabian enterprise supplies everything from HandDas swabia country is well-known as location of the T�ftler and philosophers. Innovations in things technology stand on the agenda. Here, in the Hohenstein Eglingen of Baden-Wuerttemberg on the Swabian Alb has also the enterprise KIND GmbH its seat carrier its specialities: Equipment construction, pure area was technology-created and the innovative enterprise in May 2003. Meanwhile under it 5 technical designers, on it, work to place their customers all around contently over 20 coworkers. Success gives right to the enterprise: The KIND GmbH can refer to an international customer master from the entire pure space industry. The business relations are enough into the USA. Whether companies from the ranges finds of pharmacy, the chemistry, medicine, electronics, food, cosmetics, automobile, air and space travel or ABC protection, of everyone with the KIND GmbH the ideal solution for individual requirements. Partners of the KIND GmbH are two men with experience as well as Knupfer metalworking GmbH. Engeneering graduate Heinz give and George Reiber are connoisseurs of the industry and for more than 17 years in things clean-room technology actively. Knupfer metalworking, more than 40 years ago, made itself than subcontracting firm in particular for machine and building of special purpose machines, climatic, ventilation and suction technology, clean-room technology a name created. With its over 55 coworkers the highly modern metalworking enterprise lies in direct neighbourhood of the KIND GmbH and is like that guarantor for a fast and smooth supply of the necessary parts for the pure space plants of the KIND GmbH. The two enterprises work hand in hand. Fast processing, adequate supply as well as the expert exchange for individual problem solutions are natural for the coworkers. So the specific products can be developed and manufactured completely locally for the individual needs of the respective customers. The KIND GmbH supplies clean-spacetechnical solutions to things product protection, work and environmental protection as well as for combinations of the fields of work. Thus the enterprise in the program leads for example open or closed RABS � plants, laminar flow of modules of the pure class of area ISO 5, laminar flow weighing and/or sample course cabs with contamination-free filter change systems as well as sterile TPN work benches for Compounding automats. By the modular building method the plants are flexible and can be adapted with the Konzeptionierung the user requirements. Also who looks for safety work benches of the class II and III or a special production of those, found becomes with the KIND GmbH. Likewise the enterprise offers a range at insulators for the work and product protection (laid out according to DIN EN ISO 14644-7). In addition belong in particular also the sterile insulators with H2O2-Schnellschleusen, developed by the internal technical designers, which is for the list in pure class of area D suitably and/or certified. Thus approximately for different pharmacies special � Face ton Face was developed � insulators for the production of TPN and cytostatic drug infusions and already successfully taken by the pharmacies in enterprise. The special to it: With � the Face ton Face � - the jobs face variant, so that very high throughput can be driven within a plant. The central entrances and output exits can be used so from both sides. Additionally the integrated H2O2-Gasgeneratoren permits a safe and fast sterilization � the cycle time to the high-speed air-lock lies at about 30 minutes. A further innovation from the house KIND GmbH is the Vakuum-Trockenschrank for the insulator installation. This Vakuum-Trockenschrank is used for the turbulence-free drying process of active substances as for instance wet granulates in the pharmaceutical range and can be integrated space-saving in the rear wall of the Chamber for Employees' Welfare. It possesses two utility spaces for Hordenbleche, which are flowed through evenly with the heated medium. The being of the process parameters can be stopped over the respective automatic controller at keeping at a moderate temperature equipment and pump stand. In addition the technical designers of the KIND have GmbH for the processing air - and dragging gas guidance one containmentgerecht solution developed. Meanwhile, at the beginning project the individual desires of the customer always stand: First coworkers of the KIND sketch GmbH on CAD jobs of construction plans for the plants and converted these then into models in the 3D-Format. A goal is about it to examine in particular the ergonomic aspects of the constructions in order to be able to then consider the results with the development. Afterwards a so-called Mock UP study will be accomplished, tested with the Designs and handling directly at an ergonomics model made of wood. Also here the customer has and/or to have its coworkers, who will finally work on these plants still the possibility of bringing in suggestions for improvement which flow then directly into the advancement. So the plant can be individually designed, approved, manufactured and installed by the customer. Then the plant is taken and tested first in the manufacture work KIND hard and software-technically in enterprise. During the FAT (Factory Acceptance test), which together with the customer is accomplished, takes place the acceptance at manufacturer's work of the plants. Besides at the same time and the authorized qualification documents already provided (IQ/OQ) are processed. If the plant is finally approved, it is delivered, set up to the customer by the specialists of the KIND GmbH and taken again in enterprise. After the concluding SAT (Site Acceptance test) the delivery at the customers takes place. But also after the delivery the KIND GmbH does not leave its customers alone: When desired the plant is cared for and waited. Additionally the enterprise offers training courses for the topic. That is called concrete: The KIND GmbH does not leave anything to the coincidence, the satisfaction of the customers and partners stands in the first place. A competent consultation, the professional development and supply of the plants, innovative ideas for individual needs and a comprehensive service are natural with the KIND GmbH. Those are achievements, those the pure space industry convinced � world-wide.

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72531 Hohenstein


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