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Loopo and Osmotron: A perfect duo

Loopo und Osmotron: Ein perfektes Duo
Loopo und Osmotron: Ein perfektes Duo
The need of high-purity water in far mA enterprises is enormous and constantly grows also within other industrial ranges. On this market Christian presented Aqua pharmaceutical one & Biotech already before ten years the compact unit Loopo to the distribution, disinfection and quality control of Purified and Highly Purified Water. This proven system offers now some innovations. The plant Osmotron pro of Christian Aqua pharmaceutical one & Biotech manufactures high-purity water. In order to keep this germ-free however in the long term, further process steps are necessary. But the compact unit Loopo was developed. It can be steered recently directly by a Osmotron. Now both components the duo form perfect: The production of high-purity water, storage and distribution run hand in hand. It is new that it immediately the equipment row in three different versions with capacities from 5.000 to 60. 000 l/h gives: For cold storage with continuous ozonization to sanitisieren with the additional possibility, also hot water or generally for hot storage. Owing to the extras developed Liprocontrol software can the Loopo the taps coordinate. The Loopo unites different process engineering components: A speed adjusted feed pump for the distribution of the high-purity water, an electrolytic ozone generator with ozone measuring instrument and an UV irradiation unit for the destruction of ozone. At the same time flow rates and conductivity are measured. As option a data logger is offered to the water quality for the constant monitoring. Beyond that a bank of tubes heat exchanger for the cooling of the high-purity water at long Zirkulationszeiten or a TOC measurement can be integrated. The function of the individual components is co-ordinated carefully. For highest quality of the high-purity water arriving with the consumer provides in a first process step of the Steritron. The ozone generator already reaches with an average concentration of under 50 ppb ozone a permanent adherence to the micro-biological requirements at Aqua Purificata at each individual tap. In the next step ozone is reduced by UV irradiation to under the detection limit. The feed pump with regular number of revolutions holds a minimum flow in the return of the ring circuit. Thus only so much high-purity water follows into the distribution system, as the consumer inferred. This continuous power adaption saves energy and prevents that an unnecessary energy entry gives support to the growth of microorganisms into the high-purity water. The quality of the Aqua Purificata is supervised and guaranteed by constant measurements of the conductivity. In order to keep the danger as low of germ growth as possible, as manufacturing material high-grade steel 316L, was orbitally welded used. Because the Oberfl�chenrauigkeit of the parts, which are affected of high-purity water, is so small (RA Caption: Worked satisfactorily plant with new features: There is the Loopo now in three different versions. It can be steered directly by a Osmotron. Thus run high-purity water production, storage and distribution hand in hand. Photo: BWT pharmaceutical one & Biotech GmbH�

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