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Prominent trade fair for medical technology adds

Führende Fachmesse für Medizintechnik legt zu
Führende Fachmesse für Medizintechnik legt zu
MEDTEC Europe 2011 grows in styles entire BrancheDer conversion of German enterprises within the range of the growth branch medical technology lay according to the organizers of the trade fair MEDTEC Europe (22. to 24. March 2011 in Stuttgart) in the year 2009 with over 23 billion euro. For the coming years the responsible person fair manager, Gregor Bischkopf, a further stable growth, expects which is to reflect itself also in the numbers of visitors and exhibitor of the prominent European medical technology fair. In an interview it describes Hintergr�nde.Die medical technology appeared during the economic crisis stably. How does it look now, since also many other branches of industry prognosticate again growth? It tunes, most enterprises of the medical technology the crisis indeed without prejudice to got over and even stable growth numbers achieved. As I see, in it also nothing will change. Our industry looks in future-lets itself further very positive that with numbers underline? Global seen, scientists for the medical technology central and on a long-term basis count on a growth of approximately eight per cent. Depending upon region this can vary however strongly. Thus for example in developing countries on more than 10 per cent growth is counted, whereas itself the USA and Europe between four and six per cent line-ups are. Germany lies in this comparison with expected 5.8 per cent very far in front. Will you achieve a comparable growth with the MedTec Europe? I believe even that we will superproportionally add. In the past years that succeeded to us anyhow. Both our numbers of visitors and exhibitor within the high two digit range rose, and after past computer forecasts we might create also this year. Where does the emphasis of the MedTec Europe lie in the coming year 2011? As a central, superordinate topic we regard the precision technology. We illustrate this besides specifically with the PrecisionTec pavilion, which was already last year very well visited. Here manufacturers of medical metal parts, orthopedic implants and interventionalen kardiologischen devices have the possibility of meeting offerers who sell the necessary machine technology beside raw materials also. Beyond that the MEDTEC Europe offers various emphasis, which is illustrated in further special pavilions. The range Medical Packaging dedicates itself to the entire packing spectrum in the medical technology. That reaches from filling up procedures to packing materials, from the manufacturers from a mark products to Outsourcern. Within the range Medical plastics are introduced the newest developments within the range of the medical plastics and Kunststoff-Verarbeitungsmaschinen. Automation & Assembly stands completely under the slogan of the automation and assembly, which the medicine and pharmaceutical industry in its production roads need. Within which ranges of the medical technology nowadays are the largest conversions gained and where to see them the largest growth potential? I estimate in particular the Orthop�dietechnik and ranges of the Cardiovascular as very in demand. Beyond that products in the segment of the so-called HomeHealthcare prove particularly pronounced growth potential. In addition for example medicine-technical aids count such as blood pressure fair devices and CRPs.Und as illustrate the MEDTEC Europe 2011 these ranges? Orthop�die and Cardiovascular stand in direct connection with the precision technology, which is as already mentioned � � superordinate topic of the MEDTEC Europe. Thus automatically various solutions for these ranges are offered. Still the topic remains HomeHealthcare.HomeHealthcare needs above all solutions, which originate from the electronics range. Since there was no special exhibition offer so far to this sector, do we establish in the year 2011 with the DesignMed for the first time an auxiliary fair for these which exhibitors are then in the DesignMed represented? With the DesignMed turn we to enterprises of the electronic industry, which construction units manufacture such as semiconductors, transformers, PCBs or also complete prefabricated building groups. When exhibitors become on the DesignMed them a central target group for visitors to be, who originate from the medical electronics Design and various, already mentioned medicine-technical aids to manufacture. Beyond that increasingly software enterprises signal interest to the DesignMed, which would like themselves to bring promptly into the development process. All these enterprises have supplemented aligned for it a platform so far starting from the coming year in the context of the MEDTEC Europe already the three parallel meetings S�dTec, RapidWorld and 3C Europe the MedTec Europe. Do all remain? Completely clearly! Since all parallel fairs are recognized and used of visitors and exhibitors equally as meaningful interfaces, these remain naturally also in 2011 central of components. They must know that we have on the MEDTEC traditionally also visitor, who does not come at all from the medical technology. They want to learn however from the technologies and products of this market and to adapt these if necessary for your tasks. To that extent it is naturally meaningful to bring these visitors together in the context of the S�dTec with offerers who originally originate from branches of industry like the automotive industry and address for their part gladly customers from the medical technology. And how do exhibitor and visitors of the RapidWorld as well as the 3C Europe let themselves be arranged? The RapidWorld concerns itself with the fast and flexible production development during the 3C Europe topics of the pure space and contamination technology treated. Exhibitors of both fairs are completely clearly focused on applications in the range of the medical technology in Stuttgart. They offer their technologies however naturally also for other branches of industry. With so-called innovative forums you obtained large attention in the past years. On which Messetagen will they take place in 2011 and which main topics do give it? The exact program is certain at the present time not yet. The forum is organized however over the full three Messetage to go and again in close coordination with the Fraunhofer Institut. Picture: Gregor Bischkopf, UBM Canon

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