M+W Group among the hundred largest world market leaders in Germany
Study of manager MagazinDer international plant engineers M+W Group ranks among the hundred largest world market leaders of Germany. This resulted in one of the manager magazine published study. The individual enterprises were listed thereby after their last year conversion. As global market leaders for planning and building modern semiconductor and Photovoltaikfabriken reached the M+W Group place 98 on the list. Altogether the study designates 1000 enterprises in Germany, which belong in their segment to the world-wide market leaders. � this list of the 1000 world market leaders explanation, on what large number of point enterprise international successes of the German economy �, said M+W Group boss J�rgen game is based. � we are pleased that it created the M+W Group under the Top 100 and to regard this at the same time as stimulus for further growth. �� The plant engineer comes on more than 200 semiconductor factories, which were planned and built for customers in all world and which top place in this segment to strengthen. Within the range of the Photovoltaik the M+W Group realized approximately 7,700 megawatts at production capacity for solar cells until 2009. Approximately two months ago the group with � the Industry Award was solar 2010 �� distinguished for their ready for occupancy solutions.� �
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