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MEDTEC Europe 2011 expects exhibitor number four digit

MEDTEC Europe 2011 erwartet vierstellige Ausstellerzahl
MEDTEC Europe 2011 erwartet vierstellige Ausstellerzahl
Medicine-technical trade fair of UBM Canon puts far zuVom 22. to 24. March 2011 takes place in Stuttgart the prominent European trade fair for medical technology � MEDTEC Europe �. You since years continuing growth seem to continue further. According to organizer UBM Canon is to be counted on basis of the high Vorbucherrate on an exhibitor number four digit. About 75% of the available surface are rented a half year before the fair already. The MEDTEC Europe taking place in Stuttgart was established over many years as prominent European trade fair for medical technology. Gregor Bischkopf, fair manager of the organizer UBM Canon, is pleased about this development just like over the excellent Widerbucherrate for the MEDTEC Europe 2011, of 22. to 24. March 2011 will take place. It specifies: � we at present approximately rented � a half year before the fair � to about 75% of the available surface and to count firmly to break through the 1000er mark in punkto exhibitor number. � round of 36,000 gross square meters will occupy the MEDTEC Europe 2011 and their parallel fairs. But those are to resounding 2, 4, 6 and 8 of the national fair Stuttgart at the disposal. To the topic offer among other things components for medicine-technical devices, as for instance pumps, hoses, engines, electronics and mechanical components belong. Beyond that software for construction and manufacturing, equipment for quality assurance as well as connection technique will have to be seen CNC steered processing machines, packing method. For two years UBM Canon (before times Canon Communications) organizes smaller trade fairs with own emphasis parallel to the Medtec Europe, but always with strong purchase to the medical technology. Due to the large Zuspruchs of exhibitors and visitors this concept is extended in the coming year. Beside S�dtec, 3C Europe and RapidWorld supplements the DesignMed Europe the various offer for the first time in 2011. In detail: The S�dtec forms as if approach-estimate for the processing industry in South Germany an ideal platform for international suppliers of most diverse industries � from metalworking over electronics and plastics up to semi-finished material and Konstruktion.3C stands for Contamination control & Cleanroom Products. Accordingly the 3C Europe present European enterprises and institutions their innovative solutions of the pure space and contamination technology on. To the RapidWorld show international companies most diverse technologies, which a fast and flexible production development possible make and which time up to ready for the market ones shorten. With the DesignMed Europe 2011 there is the possibility for the first time for manufacturers of medical electronics products of presenting their innovations to a specialized public which has the medical technology in the focus.

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