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Mobile sampling system for the determination of airborne molecular impurities

Mobiles Probenahmesystem zur Bestimmung luftgetragener molekularer Verunreinigungen
Mobiles Probenahmesystem zur Bestimmung luftgetragener molekularer Verunreinigungen
With a suit-case more fully sample with its new AMC Probenahmekoffer that can a broad spectrum of the AMC Substanzklassen in air to Fraunhofer IPA identify and in the ultramodern laboratory analyze. Airborne molecular impurities (airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC)) are due to rising purity requirements in the appropriate industries and because of the increased� Gesundheitsbewusstseins on the job and in private environment an important parameter of a locating. Both in the chip, fan mA, Kosmetik and food production and in the private households it can come by these unwanted chemical components in air to incorrect products, losses of production and to health problems. These chemical impurities can e.g. by l�semittelhaltige adhesives, reactive floor systems, coatings, colors, lacquers and many further materials and building materials to be set free. Even certain wood emits a high portion of Terpenen, which likewise belong to the AMCs. Above all the class of the airborne organic impurities plays, volatile Organic so called Compounds (VOC), an important Rolle.In VOC sensitiven production environments must the predominating VOC load locally be determined, in order to exclude a product damage due to high VOC load. That is valid above all, if new, potentially strongly VOC emitting materials, e.g. Seals, elastomers, ground and wall coatings, brought in are or appropriate assumptions of the personnel or the inhabitants were expressed. Into on VOC to evaluating areas the mobile AMC sample taking suit-case Fraunhofer of the IPA can be used now. In the pure area, in the processing air or interior air in dwellings e.g. become. Air samples collected and in the laboratory at the Fraunhofer IPA brought. The samples are analyzed afterwards with combined, ultramodern, thermal desorber gas chromatograph masses so called a spectrometer unit. In the thermal desorber (TD) the collected VOCs is transferred into the gas chromatograph (office). There isolating the material mixture takes place. The individual isolated components are fragmented in the mass spectrometer (ms) and identified by a data base comparison. On the basis a well understandable measuring report with the listing of the detected and quantified VOC impurities the suitable counter measures can be met if necessary. The main operational area is the measurement of the airborne organic pollution of the space and the processing air (VOC measurement) within the following ranges: - Semiconductor industry pharmacy food production job measurement office space dwelling stockroom interior analytics of vehicle by an extension of the AMC Probenahmekoffers can be analyzed a broad spectrum of further AMC Substanzklassen such as ammonium compounds, halogens and halogen connections, metals, ionische connections, process gases, environmental gas etc. The necessary equipment allotment is adapted customized depending upon analyzing AMC component. Fraunhofer the IPA sets up a measuring plan according to the desires, questions and requirements, accomplishes the measurements and discusses with the customers their partner: Markus cellar, telephone +49,711 970-1560� more markus.keller@ipa.fraunhofer. deBild: AMC Probennahmekoffer

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