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Labster � the first genuine laboratory chair of the world

Labster ? der erste echte Laborstuhl der Welt
Labster ? der erste echte Laborstuhl der Welt
Perfectly on the requirements in the laboratory co-ordination those work in the laboratory places a chair before complex challenges: Columns and recesses in the surface offer storage possibilities for microorganisms. Arm-dynamic activities at laboratory instruments cause a before-bent seat attitude, which can lead to various muskulosketalen illnesses. Chairs from office or workshop the requirements of modern laboratories, misused there, usually are not sufficient, have bimos in co-operation with the Fraunhofer Society the laboratory chair � for Labster � developed � that world-wide first chair, which corresponds to all requirements of professional laboratory work.�A chair from practice for the PraxisLabster fulfills all requirements to futurable and innovative seat solutions, how they were formulated by the trailblazing laboratory user study � lab 2020 � ( This study is in� Compound research project, which combines the everyday experiences of users in far mA and Biotechbranchemit the know-how of the offerers of laboratory equipment. Carrier and scientific foundation of the study is the renowned Fraunhofer Society. When this innovative network has itself bimos voluntarily obligated to let all realizations of � lab flow 2020 � into the design concept of Labster.�Joint lots surface organization for absolute cleanliness during good hygiene plans frequently by unsatisfactory laboratory furniture to be circumvented, Labster process security and smaller expenditure of time offers with the cleaning. For Labster its HygienicDesign is characteristic. This new, jointless design concept with rounded off surface geometry provides for absolute cleanliness. Germs do not find joints, in which they could settle. The mechanics as well as the control elements are with Labster under an innovative soft Cover lining, which makes fast and comfortable cleaning possible. Not without pride it can state bimos that different Probandendie judged cleaning friendliness of Labster with the estimate � outstanding �. According to Fraunhofer Institut for work management and - organization is Labster to the use in laboratories of any kind suitably. Extensive expert's assessments and certificates occupy the excellent suitability for pure areas, GMP ranges and safety laboratories of the classes S1 to S3. �A chair, that the user adapts � and in reverse with the help of the new car Motion technology adapts with Labster the inclination of seat and backrest � from alone � the work attitude. The automatic sinking of the seat front edge leads to the better blood circulation and discharge of the thigh lower surface, during simultaneous support of the back. The multidimensionally formed back upholstery supports the Lordosenbereich and gives at the same time lateral Halt.Der user by Labster thus is led and sits automatically correctly. The tapered backrest makes possible to exercise also fine-motor arm movements troublefree. ��Large radius of action by kompakteKonstruktionsweise beside its ergonomic Design is characterised Labster by a simple operation and handling. The attitude of the seat level can be made without visual contact, the vertical adjustment of the backrest done without by a raster technology on levers and handwheels. Additional-fit themselves the functional organization and quality of Labster often restrained Arbeitsraumund of the high activity in the laboratory on: While conventional chairs impair the mobility and security usually, the space-saving Labster offers higher Fl�cheneffizienzund opens a larger radius of action. �For all work situations the suitable model the refreshment he system offers the suitable chair for each laboratory activity. Thus there is not only the Labster as basic execution, but also the Labster high chair, the Labster laboratory stool and the Labster standing assistance. Each execution ensures maximum comfort and ergonomic, health-conscious sitting. All models have form foam pads and high-quality surface material, are long-lived strapazierf�higund. Labster is thus a chair for all cases and laboratories. In a gutachterlichen statement on the functional quality of Labster confirms Fraunhofer Institut the comprehensive advantages of the laboratory chair: � by its system intelligence and the functional flexibility developing thereby the system is not only ergonomic, but also economically protruding. �

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Further information

Bimos – eine Marke der Interstuhl Büromöbel GmbH & Co. KG
72469 Meßstetten-Tieringen


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