Retina Implant AG opens new manufacturing plant
The Retina Implant AG, a prominent developer of subretinaler implants for Sehbehinderte, announced today that a new manufacturing plant is finished placed, in order to satisfy the expected demand for the implants of the enterprise. The second clinical study is expanded at the beginning of of 2011 also on other European countries, including Great Britain and Italy, and preparations for an expansion of the studies on the United States and Asia were already made. Planning plans that soon fulfills all conditions� will be, in order to receive the CE-permission for the retina implant. The new manufacturing plant in the technology park of T5ubingen Reutlingen is with a surface of 312 m � more as 25-mal more largely than their predecessor. From this surface first 100 m are intended � (later up to 250 m �) as pure space zone. As pure space zone a range respected with an extremely small number of particles in air, in order to ensure that the final product cannot be contaminated by biological foreign substances. The production capacity will amount to presumably 1500 units per year. Retina Implant AG plans a further investment at a value of 1,3 millions �, in order to prepare the manufacturing plant by specific machinery for a production after the newest state of the art. Four particularly trained coworkers will take up the work in the manufacturing plant. An extension on up to 15 coworkers is possible. � the today's day marks an important milestone for the implementation of the vision of Retina Implant to re-establish the vision of blind humans � so walter g. Wrobel, chairman of the board of the Retina Implant AG. � due to the positive results of the current second clinical human study which can be expected we will be well set up assistance of our new manufacturing plant, in order to be able to make our implants available all patients rapidly. First few implantations in the context of our second clinical study show very encouraging results, in particular in the used domestic environment, if the patients are alone posed. � the Retina Implant AG commits a solemn opening on 12 October 2010 at 9.00 o'clock (Central European Summer Time). To the advisers walter g belong. Wrobel, executive committee of the Retina Implant AG, Professor Dr. med. Eberhart Zrenner, director/conductor of the research institute for eye medicine of the university ophthalmic clinic in T5ubingen, professor Hugo H�mmerle, director/conductor of the scientific one and medical institute, as well as Barbara Bosch, Oberb�rgermeisterin von Reutlingen. The positive clinical results from the first clinical study proved that the patients could recognize assistance of the implants of thes subject of the daily life and read letters and words, by moving only their eyes. These results were presented with a number of scientific meetings. To it the world congress Eye and chip belonged in September 2010 in Detroit (Michigan) as well as the annual convention of the ARVO (Association for Research in vision and Ophthalmology) in May 2010 in Fort Lauderdale (Florida).
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