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Over 40 years actively for clean and exhaust air

Über 40 Jahre aktiv für saubere Zu- und Abluft
Über 40 Jahre aktiv für saubere Zu- und Abluft
Filter technology fulfilled by Camfil room climate tables conditions for each area of application-engaged research, innovative development and uncompromising quality control � with this requirement develops and drives the Camfil out GmbH with head office in pure field innovative product solutions for air cleaner systems and clean-room technology. For now 43 years the enterprise makes its contribution in addition, the air quality for humans to secure environment and also industry in the best possible way. 1967 as German subsidiary of the today's Camfil Farr group based, are considerably involved in the international leading position of the parent company Holsteiner with the turnover-strong air cleaner market Germany: Thus with head office in the Swedish Stockholm own production development and - production at 24 locations as well as a close sales network distinguish global the player over all continents. Among the areas of application of the different grobstaub, fine dust, suspended matter and molecular filters plus accessories rank for example car manufacturers, food or Pharmaindustriebetriebe, hospitals, airports, museums, hotels, schools, office or also Kaufh�user.Die success story of the Camfil Farr group began 1963 in the Swedish Trosa with the establishment of an enterprise as one-man business by G�sta Larson. In the same year the exempt private company a joint venture with Cambridge filtration agreed upon corporation in the United States. Already in the year 1967 international expansionist tendencies with the establishment of a subsidiary started in Germany followed from further fourteen. In addition Camfil took over altogether ten enterprises from the air cleaner industry until 2006 � under other one also the American Farr CO. In addition production and sales locations came among other things in Russia, Brazil, Mexico and the Slovakia. After the production start of the German Dependance in pure field with only ten coworkers in the year 1970, Camfil introduced four years later for the first time bag filters into Germany and initiated thereby their lasting national success. As a reference customer the Camfil kg knows for example Daimler Chrysler, Ferrero, Coca-Cola, Nestl�, which Charit�, IKEA or BASF to call. Today at present approximately 3,300 coworkers of the Camfil Farr group a prognosticated annual turnover of roughly 450 millions euros in 28 addresses as well as 50 commercial representations and/or countries work over 300 coworkers for in the meantime to the limited partnership umfirmierte enterprise-world-wide gain. The product assortment reaches filter solutions for applications, high-specialized by standard filters for the climatic and ventilation up to, which react extremely sensitively to air pollutions. Either way: In the focus are always located the protection of humans and the environment as well as the security of manufacturing processes. Because of clean air all humans are dependent.

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