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Federal association of the pharmacists in the public service selected new executive committee

Bundesverband der Apotheker im öffentlichen Dienst wählte neuen Vorstand
Bundesverband der Apotheker im öffentlichen Dienst wählte neuen Vorstand
The Federal association of the pharmacists in the public service (BAp�D) registered association accomplished his general meeting on 22 September 2010 in Hanover. The general meeting takes place traditionally in connection with the annual convention of the coworkers of the drug supervising authorities and - investigation places of the countries, in order to offer as much as possible to members opportunity to the participation. This professional association represents also the inspectors in Germany, the pure areas for drugs and medicine products on the GMP relevance �berwachenT�tigkeitsberichtDr. Gerd Mattern reported as a chairman representatively of the executive committee pass-pointlike on the activities - successes and failures - of the last 2 electoral periods. The BAp�D cooperated in the production of career profile of the pharmacists in the federal pharmacist chamber, in particular the fields of activity � public health service � and � theoretical and practical training �. Likewise the BAp�D in a working group has for production of the� Manual for disaster pharmacy participated. Also the demand and promotion of the further training places an emphasis into the o. A. Fields of activity. Unfortunately still too few Federal states of the authorization of a further education regulation made use. To lift out positive however Land is Berlin and the range of the German Federal Armed Forces, with which the further training for public health service (pharmacy nature) for years successfully one practices. On serious demand of the BAp�D with the federal pharmacist chamber a functional commission for the further training in theoretical and practical training was furnished. In the last 2 years the functional commission revised the appropriate sample further education order, since it had to be adapted to the practical conditions (see report in September 2010 in this newspaper). The public work of the BAp�D was particularly successful in the reporting period. A set of articles was published over the work in the public health service and in the training in the German pharmacists newspaper, who were combined in an anniversary publication into the 25-year old existence of the BAp�D in the year 2006. The anniversary publication was essentially transferred to a brochure, which can be referred with the German pharmacist publishing house. It serves in particular occupation beginners for orientation in these field of activity-regularly the contacts with other professional associations � ABDA, BAK, ADKA, WIV, AhD and others - was maintained, and demands of the federation addressed. In the advanced training regularly and successfully the yearly meetings of the informing pharmacists were accomplished, on whom also statements were compiled for the development of the training and test order for PTA and to instruction. These advanced training seminars are gladly visited by members and non-members, since they represent practically the only offers for the colleagues and colleagues concerned. The end-of-year procedure 2009 and economic plan 2010 were presented and described. Reserves could be strengthened by consistent and economical expenditure politics despite decrease of the number of members and one since more than 10 years unchanged membership dues, whereby a larger scope of action is made possible for the new executive committee. The executive committee was unanimously relieved, and for the housekeeping one thanked to it. Member questioning and VorstandswahlDer past executive committee Dr. Gerd Mattern (chairman), Mrs. Dr. Annette tail man and Mrs. Edelgard Speer T�ppe (stellv. Chairman), Dr. Winfried Berger (treasurer) and Mr. Dietrich Demmer (secretary) terminate their activity in the executive committee with the electoral period after partly T�tigkeit.Es of many years and honorary from there a member questioning for the continuance of the federation were accomplished, which led as result to a vote for the continuance of the activity-specific federation. In particular the specialized group of the PTA teachers considers the platform of the federation together with the colleagues from authorities indispensable for their away and further training as well as for the development of the occupation right and instruction organization after lively discussion the following executive committee was again selected: Mrs. Gudrun Eichler - chairman, Mrs. Heike Handtusch Rieck - stellv. Chairman, Dr. Helmut Keck - stellv. Chairman, Mrs. Claudia Huppertz - Schatzmeisterin, Mr. Reinhard Schnettler - secretary. The old executive committee wished much success for the work to the new executive committee in the interest of the members. He explained his readiness to support the new executive committee in the initial phase with advice and act. The participants of the meeting and the new chairman, Mrs. Gudrun Eichler thanked the past executive committee as well as the separating members of the advisory board Mrs. Marion Romer and Mr. Gerhard Frick for the performed work for the BAp�D.�

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