Neues Niveau bei Verfügbarkeit, Hubvermögen und Geschwindigkeit der Automatisierung
New S5-Line von Sepro with Visual 2-SteuerungZur K2010 presents Sepro Robotique its new S5-Line for cartesian automation in an integrated way into the Visual 2-Steuerung. The Visual 2-Steuerung means highest comfort in programming and controlling of its automation for the user. Are to it with the S5-25-Robotern solutions for injection moulding machines from 1.200 to 4,500 kN at the disposal. For higher closing forces, within the range 3,500 to 8,000 kN, Sepro demonstrates its S5-35-Roboter for automation. In relation to the generation 4 Sepro calls higher stroke ability one load-carrying capacity increased by 50%, as well as one 16%. The withdrawal arm of the S5-Line could be designed around 10% more narrowly. The opening way of the tool reduces, with the result of higher cycle speeds. Apart from speed, stroke ability and flexibility Sepro scores with availability and longevity: An inserted lubrication assembly guarantees a maximum availability of the S5-Line with minimum maintenance costs � once per year requires the permanent lubricating of the Wartung.Sepro favored with the 5th generation of cartesian automation solutions high performance and flexible solutions of highest availability for the employment in practice. The S5-25 and S5-35-Roboter were developed for the middle and medium sized closing force range and to permit by new mechanics higher speeds with a maximum load-carrying capacity from parts to 20 kg. Robot of the extra class � the fast and flexible S5-35-RoboterDie S5-35-Roboter for the medium sized closing force range (3,500 to 8,000 kN) developed with partial weights up to 15 kg to the withdrawal. As option the manufacturer offers a HL-version up to 20 kg to load. Strong servo actuators secure maximum acceleration and minimum withdrawal times in the tool. The compact frame structure and prism tables linear guide rails ensure high robustness, adapted to the strong acceleration forces of the mobile parts of the S5-Line. The S5-Line is reliably applicable for most complex applications, like insertion hurry, a destacking and other tasks. The well-known CNC rotations make very precise positioning possible. The new compact Design ensures a better entrance in the tool. The grip arm function is addressed with a vacuum and/or a compressed air circle. The built-in function � Y-free � facilitates the programming of the ejector synchronous withdrawal. Besides possibilities for the reduction of costs arise as a result of a simplified structure of grip arm. The ejector stroke permits a range from 2.000 to 7,000 mm at a maximum speed of 3,5 m/sec. The releasing from form stroke is about 900 mm and a maximum speed of 3 m/sec. The vertical stroke amounts to 1,400 mm, optionally with telescope arm 1,800 mm, at a maximum speed of 4 m/sec. In puncto speed the S5-35-Roboter thereby ranks the largest stroke ability in these Klasse.Wenn one more among the fastest cartesian robots of his art. it offers in addition wants � options of the S5-LineOptional can the processing plant � its � S5-Roboter rig: Thus Sepro supplies when desired a digital vacuum switch, for programming and storage of all division and grip arm attitudes. The automation package of the Visual 2-Steuerung simplifies the setting-up of the S5-Line fundamentally. � in the shelf of Sepro � he finds besides the option on a second pneumatic R2 rotation parallel to the releasing from form axle (0-90-180�), as well as a new sensitive releasing from form and pile axle. Likewise he finds a rotation package (rotation 1 parallel to the ejector axle of 0-180� and rotation 2 around the releasing from form axle of 0-270�). The mentioned HL-version permits to move the processing plant higher loads up to 20 kg partial weight. Visual 2-Steuerung � ergonomics and transparency with the Visual 2-Steuerung has the operator of the S5-Line its task of automation better in the grasp. Large 10 � � LCD Touchscreen visualizes the happening. With the patented � Pick & Place � - to module it prepares its program in the dialogue with the Visual 2-Steuerung for up to 5 CNC axles. By topic-referred menu guidance the operator has at any time a direct entrance to the tasks. The system is upward compatible: All programs of the Visual 1-Steuerung are compatible in Visual 2. the interfaces after euro map 67 and SPI defined � euro map 12 on request. The result can examine the operator immediately as 3D-Darstellung in the video. It sees being optimized directly, whether programming corresponded to its conceptions, or can. Pluses of the Visual 2-SteuerungManuelle adjustment is also no topic: For manual micro-adjustments within the tool a Joystick is to it at the disposal. After the operator successfully terminated his programming, it can activate the Eco mode by depressing the key: During the cycle the equipment in the energy savings mode works. At any time callable documentation of the Visual 2-Steuerung helps to keep the determined data available. Up to 1.000 different applications can be stored related to maximally 16 CNC axles. So the data can be made accessible for other operators, setters, programmers and the maintenance staff over a USB stick. The USB stick serves also the Troubleshooting via hotline of Sepro: The data are then analyzed by remote diagnostics, in order to find the correct solution fast. Exclusively with Sepro: Sensitive releasing from form and pile-axle-optionally protects the mechanical building group for the releasing from form and pile axle the grip arm and the tool during the program adjustment to the partial withdrawal. It concretely fits the contact with springs of grip arm and shaped part in case of of easy deviations within the mm range off toward the ejector movement or the form opening. The building group, which carries the grip arm, is parallel to the spraying axle installed on a linear axle. A correction unit makes a flexible pressure possible on this building group of the S5-Line. A sensor scolded the robot off with the exceeding of a defined Kraft. Sensitives releasing from form becomes in such a way m�glich.NC-5 control integration with Sumitomo (SKI) DEMAG plastic MachineryErstmals shows Sepro one with Sumitomo (SKI) DEMAG plastic Machinery integrated control. The Sumitomo DEMAG robot (Southern German Broadcasting Corporation) is shown fully integrated on SKI a Systec 160. The new Visual 2-Steuerung von Sepro was integrated in the context of the partnership into the NC5-Steuerung of the machine by Sumitomo (SKI) DEMAG plastic Machinery with all functionalities. The operator has thereby all functions of automation transparency on its NC5-Steuerung in the view. Visitors of the K2010 can experience visualization with Sumitomo (SKI) DEMAG plastic Machinery (15 D22 resound) and on the September rust and. Trendsetter into AutomotiveDas enterprise is according to own statements market leaders in the automation of injection moulding machines in the segment above 8.000kN closing force. � in the upper class of the closing forces solid, are required reliable and high performance solutions with a maximum of flexibility for different tasks, � commentated in addition Jean Michel Renaudeau, managing director by Sepro. Thus the automotive specialists point to the K2010 the simulation of a flaming station with a SR4060-Roboter, which is appropriate for the closing force range from 13.000 to 25,000 kN. The SR4060-Roboter has 6 freely programmable axles. In the detail 3 linear axles and 3 CNC rotation ABC are to the user for programming at the disposal. As much freedom means flexibility purely for each conceivable task with withdrawal and rework view: Stretch of the S5-LineDie application technology experiences of Sepro, the machine industry and plastic processing plants flowed into the development of the S5-Line. The concept of capability characteristics of the S5-Line with integrated Visual 2-Steuerung is consistently removed from there: Sepro announced before the K2010 to expand the S5-Line in the year 2011 even on smaller and larger closing forces.
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