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Most modern pure space laboratory for hospitals in Germany finished

Modernstes Reinraum-Labor für Krankenhäuser in Deutschland fertiggestellt
Modernstes Reinraum-Labor für Krankenhäuser in Deutschland fertiggestellt
At the clinical center Braunschweig was built for 4.66 million euro one of the largest and most modern GMP centers for hospitals in Germany (GMP stands for � Good Manufacturing Practice �). The new pure space laboratories make possible for the hospital pharmacy and Institut for clinical Transfusionsmedizin the production of medicines and the production and storage of master cell preparations under industrial purity standards and thus a new quality in the patient supply. At the location Celler road was entkernt and converted since November 2007 the former cafeteria and the kitchen of the haste RA building in the Celler road for the pharmacy and Institut for clinical Transfusionsmedizin. The laboratories may be entered only with protective clothing, the particle density in air, the air humidity, which becomes pressure and the ambient temperature constantly supervised. Cost � if we are pleased �, so Helmut Sch�ttig, Gesch�ftsf�hrer of the clinical center Braunschweig, � that it to us with the GMP center again succeeded, a worthwhile investment into the quality that� Patient supply realize to be able �. Nevertheless the clinical center � the laboratory for a hospital in Germany financed most modern and largest pure area and built. The capital outlays of the construction measure amount to approximately 4.6 million Euro.Die ApothekeDie hospital pharmacy manufacture in its new laboratory areas of medicines for cancer patients, in addition products come for patient, those to be artificially nourished must and also individual drugs. � the production of individual drugs is a completely new service of the clinical center �, explains chief pharmacist Hartmut Vaitiekunas. The pharmacy so far already manufactured medicines for cancer patients and products for artificial nutrition, in the new center expects one an increase of production around the three to quadruple ones. As a result of the individual drug production an annual saving potential of 400,000 euros arises. The pharmacist explained the reason for it fast: � if a care strength preparatory on the station different drugs for a patient, must naturally throw it away started packing. Under pure space conditions this is not necessary, an opened packing can be re-used. � in addition pharmaceutical industry overfills all bottles in principle over up to 10 per cent � valuable drugs, which can be used in the pure area likewise. The production of such individual drugs in this order of magnitude, planned individual products are annual, are unique in Germany up to 40.000. The medicines, which, e.g. a special composition of pain killers are intravenously given, are supplied by the GMP center and provided with the name of the individual patient on the stations. Institut for clinical TransfusionsmedizinDas Institut for clinical Transfusionsmedizin is second user of the new building. It prepares and stores there autologe master cell preparations. These are body-own main cells, which back-get cancer patients after a chemotherapy, so that their marrow regenerates fast. The keeping and preparation of the main cells for the return to the patients were not so far possible in the clinical center. � the GMP center offers now ideal conditions for it �, so the head physician of the institute for clinical Transfusionsmedizin, Dr. Henk Garritsen. And not only for it the conditions are ideal: Planned, in the new areas in the future further fabric is, like e.g. Heart valves or eye corneas/callosities to store. One working day under both groups of users by the way stress the quality gain for the patients, because the manufacture conditions in the new laboratories even still exceed the guidelines. � the guidelines for � good manufacture practice � are by far more comprehensive than in the OI �, explain Garritsen. � the highest source of danger for impurities is humans, therefore those come much clothing and behavior regulations �, continue to implement the head physician. And indeed it is valid to consider a great deal: One working day under pure space conditions begins with the fact that the coworkers exchange their road clothing for so-called range clothes. With this clothing they may move in the house, which manufacture areas do not enter so however yet. But they must transfer themselves still up to three times, in order to arrive from a pure range in the next purer. #Im they finally carry sterile range OI gloves, a sterile pair of overalls, so-called � pure space boots � and a head hood with � observation slit �. The coworkers may carry e.g. no make-up and not move even fast, since they would release otherwise too many air turbulences. And naturally the materials, which are needed for the work, come likewise sterilely packed into center-technical data the effective area of the entire building amount to approx. 1,040 m �. Untereilt is the surface in: Approx. 200 m � for the pharmacy, approx. 120 m � for the Transfusionsmedizin, approx. 370 m �� for the secondary rooms and approx. 350 m � for the technique areas. The building volume is with approx. 3,900 m �. In the covers and walls approximately 13,500 m cables for the current supply, computer technology and fire alarm system hide themselves. The pure space laboratories are equipped with most modern ventilation, those the laboratories with approx. 35. 000 m � cleaned air per hour to supply knows. Current number data facts to clinical center with 1.425 plan beds and approximately 3800 coworkers/inside is the urban clinical center Braunschweig one of the largest hospitals in Lower Saxony. It supplies the region Braunschweig as hospital of the maximum supply with approximately 1 million inhabitants. With 17 hospitals, 11 independent clinical departments and 6 institutes the complete specialized spectrum of the medicine is almost covered. Per year over 56.000 patients stationarily and approximately 100,000 is treated ambulatory. Five locations belong to the urban clinical center: - Clinical center Holwedestra�e - clinical center Salzdahlumer road - clinical center Celler road - clinical center Gliesmaroder road - and as subsidiary company the ambulatory rehabilitation center in the N�mes road. The clinical center has a conversion of approximately 232 millions euros per year. As important clients for building and maintenance measures, investments with devices and IT and other services euros annually assigns it orders to the extent of over 80 millions. In the different occupational groups work approximately 470 physicians and 2,050 care forces as well as 540 coworkers in the medical-technical service, 470 in the other services (administration, economics, technology etc.) and 270 training.

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