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Chances for the pure space industry

Chancen für die Reinraumbranche
Chancen für die Reinraumbranche
�A real estate in Frankfurt looks for new BesitzerDie pure space industry is on growth course. Hardly a branch of industry registers a similarly solid basis in things demand. Numerous enterprises from Germany expand world-wide and are already represented at important strategic points on the map. The large airports of this world are place of transshipment and the navel of the industry. Happy those, which here if located not the enterprise, but an outside and/or an approach place nevertheless. Vision for example in a building, which corresponds to already numerous requirements of the pure space industry and can flexibly be begun. , By numerous characteristics is characterised as for instance by safety areas, which via highly modern safety plant including installed monitoring cameras are guaranteed, by the generous premises and offices, which can be arranged depending upon need, and by the proximity to the airport, to the rail traffic and to the motorway. Such a building actually gives it. At present it looks for new owners or MieterDas existing building place is R�dermark. The industrial area waiter Roden with direct connection to the motorway Hanau � Darmstadt is nearby Frankfurt motorway interchanges and the airport. Here, in neighbourhood to further innovative enterprises on a 2.5 hectare the white, three-membered building with its post office-modern seeming, red painted entrance is to large property. Already the external opinion suggests multi-functionality. It was built 1993. Formerly smart cards were produced, used here after, still until recently, the premises of Geldinstitut as cash centers. Clearly that the technology was always up to date brought here in punkto security. Now the building is available empty, to accommodate new enterprises. Put for instance such, which appreciate to need a high measure of security and functionality and a traffic-central location with already existing, highly modern infrastructure and mechanism, in addition, on the premises value, which can represent the enterprise and its philosophy accordingly. Spacehere, in waiter Roden, all conditions are given. The input area of the building becomes from a doorman area, which is also control post flanked. It is well brief outline and controllably and leads in the zweigeschossige office building as well as in the single-storey operating and service tract. In the office building also community and conference rooms, tea kitchens, are copying area beside the offices, (everything completely equipped with office furniture, copiers etc.)� and sanitary appliances accommodated. In the height it is expandable around two floors. Likewise the interior decoration can be changed individually and arranged, i.e., the walls can depending upon liking shifted, which are made areas larger or smaller. A halation lends brightness to the internal area and lets it appear generous. In contrast to it the operating and service building resemble a modern security wing: Here is the production hall with vergitterten windows and two accessible safe deposit areas. Additionally there are two truck safety air-locks, which a safe start guarantee. Following, those resounds the office and conference rooms, sanitary plumbings, tea kitchen, still additional with an anti-statics surface and an air conditioning system, which correspond to pure space conditions, out-permits is, offers the first upper floor and the basement, archives and Werkr�ume as well as a fully equipped professional kitchen with cafeteria. In addition, the technology is on the newest conditions: Thus wait in the entire building a new telephone system, a SAP Zeiterfassungssystem and in the conference room a modern Mediawand for their use. In addition two areas with high speed servers as well as two small goods elevators are present. Its own transformer station on the area provides for the current enterprise and independence with Stromausfall.Und for sufficient parking lots for the coworkers is likewise ensured. That is called concrete: The premises are ideal, the conditions for enterprises from the pure space industry. The current owner looks for a buyer or a tenant. Whether this would like to take over the premises with inventory or without, is left, the conditions to him is flexible. For enterprises from the pure space industry the building is the chance, around itself at one of the most important places of transshipment of the market, is it with a branch office, temporary storage facilities or a repair workshop, to locate � and without large� Expenditure. Better � s hardly goes. �

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