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90 million for millionth millimeters

90 Millionen für Millionstelmillimeter
90 Millionen für Millionstelmillimeter
The Nanotech research center of IBM in R�schlikon is planned at the beginning of of Decembers ready for the delivery to be � three months in former times than. An inspection in the 90-Millionen-Franken-Projekt.Ruhig ists here. Enormously calmly. We would let a needle fall, we its impact on the ground would not probably only hear. But also, as it cuts air with the Runterfallen. We are in a heart of the new research center for nanotechnology (see box) of IBM in R�schlikon. It is one of the Noisefree labs � a noise-free laboratory thus. Six of such laboratories will receive the researchers with the delivery of the center on 10 December. In order to accomplish here basic research with extremely sensitiven measurements and experiments. As Christmas for the researchers that will be not a premature Christmas present, but, as if they would celebrate only once in its life Christmas: On such laboratories we waited for a very long time, say IBM researcher Emanuel L�rt. You will be singular in the world. The IBM researchers expect to high-add the past measuring pole renowned national institutes of the OF standard and Technology in the USA. Institut coordinated for example the world time with its silence alone does not make these rather small areas with a sketch of approximately five time six meters so singular. They are in addition also almost vibrationlessly and do not leave no electromagnetic radiation for example from external powerlines inside � to telephone with the mobile phone is there inside possible. The temperature is kept stable: It may not change any more than 0.1 degrees per hour. The researchers � it are in the laboratory in the final result the largest interference source � control the experiments from a secondary room. From there they can the ventilation in the experiment area completely switch off and only with a cooling of the cover work, because the ventilation causes airborne sound. Which is to be heard more for the human ear hardly, within the range of atoms or electron spins and rule results verf�lschen.40 tons these laboratories could disturb the high-sensitive research work itself in the basement of the new building: Experiences show that the vibrations are smallest there. In R�schlikon they stand directly on the soil. The million-expensive tools like an electron-beam recorder or a transmission electron microscope besides on a concrete block with a weight of more than 40 tons are installed. And this again stands not directly on the ground, but floats on actively regulated airsprings. Since somewhat more than one year the workers are in R�schlikon at building: The foundation-stone was put on 2 June 2009. IBM provides the building, which will cost 60 million franc. Further 30 million franc invest IBM and the ETH Zurich into devices. The fact that it will come to a co-operation with the ETH was from the outset clear. She will in-rent herself in the research center: It will occupy a whole floor together with offices and laboratories and will research with IBM in a 900 square meters large pure area. Originally the building delivery was planned on March 2011. It will now however in former times take place already much: on 10 December, as IBM project manager says Roger cutters: In the last weeks craftsmen on the building site were active, the required much planning and logistics. up to 140 And also much flexibility. Flexibility is a term, which is central generally speaking project. In such a scientific research surrounding field, the needs changes again and again constantly, says cutter is converted. Therefore it had to be paid attention already when planning minuti�s to the fact that all areas can be flexibly used and transformed. Because is to be at least researched in the center in the next 25 to 30 years. So also small laboratories can be furnished in the two office projectiles. Higher requirements the premises in a floor are still free: IBM looks for further partners beside the ETH and the Swiss federal material testing and research institute (Empa). The enterprise thinks thereby according to medium speaker Christopher P. Sciacca of universities and further private enterprise flexibility, in addition, highest requirements place the whole project also against the construction supervision, say Mike Critchley of the beta project management AG in Zurich. The requirements, which the research center places at us, are higher than with the building of a hospital, say it. It clarifies this by an example: Before commencement of construction we had to tear a building off. That had to happen however without vibrations. Because: In the laboratories the researchers without interruption work. The danger to destroy a long-term experiment would have been too largely, says Mike Critchley. Therefore the stakes for the new research center were not also rammed but were bored. Besides the supply of the 900 square meters large pure area is high complex in the ground floor: Lines had to be drawn for the supply of the devices with river, process gases, cooling water, compressed air and highly pure water. Full enterprise after three JahrenIm pure area in the future micro and nano-structures in different solid materials are produced. In order to be able to manufacture such small structures error free, air must be extremely strongly filtered, so that no disturbing particles can arrive at the construction units. Temperature and air humidity must be controlled and steered likewise exactly. Until the pure area is full in the enterprise and is co-ordinated all processes, it will take still three years after the building delivery, says Roland Germann, manager nano-center operation. In the first year we will spend half of the 30 million franc approximately on the devices. And in the following years ever 7.5 million franc. Warmth into ErdeDas building is provided in the min suppl. IE standard and Energietau to have. Four kilometers of earth sounding apparatuses were moved under the underground parking. The special to it: In the summer IBM will transfer warmth, which develops in the technical installations like the two immense ventilation machines for the Noisefree labs and the pure area, into the ground. This stored energy is drawn off in the colder seasons the ground. We can use about 70 per cent of the waste heat in such a way, say IBM project manager Roger cutter picture: Thus the building will that once look: Nanotech research lab by IBM (IBM) author: Thomas ZempNanotechnologie: Small yardstick, large potential of the nanotechnology one expects innovations in different areas. Are for example scratch-proof autolacquers or dirt-deflecting textiles today already admit. Experts within ranges like nano-electronics, sensor system, medicine as well as in the energy and environmental technology see still larger potential. By nanotechnology researchers understand the technology, which is behind materials and systems, whose structures have a size of 1 to 100 nanometers. That is approximately 400-mal more thinly than a human hair. A nanometer corresponds millionth millimeter. Main points of research of IBM and the ETH Zurich in the new center reach the research applied from projects to the basic research up to. The common ranges cover carbon-based materials, nano-wires, nano-photo NIC and Spintronics.

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