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GMP Mitarbeitertraining � smart and well!

GMP-Mitarbeitertraining ? smart und gut!
GMP-Mitarbeitertraining ? smart und gut!
In the discussion: Dr. Maria break and Cornelia WawretschekFrau Dr. break, PTS training service its training offer by PTSsmart extended. What is PTSsmart? Can PTSsmart replace the internal coworker training? Yes, PTSsmart is a new training concept, which can support or replace the coworker training in enterprises. A goal of the training is it to obtain GMP bases on the basis of regulatorischer requirements. Seven always recurring GMP topics were selected in addition. Each training unit always concentrates on one of these topics and is temporally visible. Which GMP topics does it concern? The classical GMP topics are offered: Good manufacture practice and GMP consciousness, personnel, SOPs in the work everyday life, GMP fair documentation, hygiene, deviations, specifications and OOS, qualification and validation. Unfortunately only a fraction of the obtained material remains clinging when pure listening. Therefore the trainings are developed and by several workshops are supplemented didactically. Thus the lastingness of the training increases by a multiple. The coaches are competent and with practice in enterprises probably trust. And naturally the trainings with one - meanwhile of the legislator demanded - lock progress control. And in addition the PTS coaches come into the enterprise? PTSsmart goes here another way: Training takes place at central places, which are attainable for the participants without large time delay. Training outside of the own company: with it aren't high costs connected? On the contrary, on and departure become uncomplicated and economical - e.g. with the PTS Spezialangebot of the German course AG. Overnight expenses can be void thus. Which coworker circle does PTSsmart address? Within the GMP range all coworkers must be trained regularly. PTSsmart addresses itself to the operational level one can the enterprise from PTSsmart profit? The expenditure, which a company must operate, in order to guarantee the qualification of all coworkers, is already considerable. The company offers regular training courses, must however always on the fact count that coaches can fail and notice not all coworkers the dates. Thus it must offer alternative dates for training. That given training course goals were not reached, must the possibility should turn out us exist of visiting the training a repetitive mark. And which happens then with � the Nachz�glern"? Do I have to train those? For the topic we offer two variants to training with PTSsmart, in order to relieve the enterprises: On the one hand we train internally, in order to retrieve the missed. After my experience it concerns thereby however rather small groups of learning. Here again the flexibility of PTSsmart shows up, because you have the possibility of participating in the external PTSsmart trainings. Finally training course expenditure must stand and developing costs in the correct relationship. What offers PTSsmart still? PTSsmart opens the possibility of arranging training course planning more flexible and relieves thereby the enterprise: The PTSsmart trainings can be visited several times per year. The individual state of training of the coworkers can be considered with the selection of the respective training unit. Naturally each training can be booked also separately. Coworkers from different work areas and enterprises meet and learn together? Naturally a certain homogeneity of a group of learning is necessary, in order to make a detailed discussion possible of expirations from the work everyday life. Beyond that it is quite desirable that coworker � a Schnittstellenbewusstsein" and understanding for the expirations in adjacent departments develop. Which learning methods are used with PTSsmart? The more differently we our teaching subjects acquire ourselves, the more varied are the possibilities of the Erinnerns and keeping. Thus all the more sense remains in the learning process is involved in memory, the: Therefore the active participant is located in the center of the PTSsmart Trainingskonzeptes. It is not sufficient to obtain the demanded GMP knowledge. It is just as important to keep the attained knowledge long-term. It is essential to include the participants actively into the expiration of training. Exchange of experience between the participants of different work areas and enterprises increases the understanding for the expirations in adjacent departments. It promotes the lastingness of the training, sharpens the view � over the Tellerrand" and training enriches additionally. What is with firm-specific training course contents? Can you likewise obtain these with PTSsmart? Of course the possibility exists to extend the holistic PTSsmart training concept by internal contents. In connection with PTS inhouse can be embedded the specific products and internal process into the training program. Where do I find more information about PTSsmart? GMP topics and dates find you always current in the net under www.ptsmart. de---------------------------------------------------To the person: After the diploma study of biology at the University of Duesseldorf and Promotion within the range of physiological chemistry in Duesseldorf/meal Mrs. Dr. took over breaks an assistant place in physiological chemistry at the university clinic meal and was just like in Duesseldorf apart from the scientific research responsible for Lehrt�tigkeiten.Seit at the end of 1995 is Mrs. Dr. before here breaks with PTS training service responsibly for planning and conception of further education meetings. Since 1996 she took over there the line of the ranges of medicine products and IT-systems (among other things computer validation, electronic recordings, electronic signature). It is a competent Ansprechpartnerin in the GMP, GLP and medicine product range.�

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Further information

PTS Logo_Quadrat
PTS Training Service
Wir sind die Experten für Schulungen in den Bereichen Pharma, Medizinprodukte und Wirkstoffe.
Am Freigericht 8
59759 Arnsberg
Phone: +49 2932 51477
Fax: +49 2932 51674


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