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Enth�rtungsanlagen qualitatively steer and supervise

Enthärtungsanlagen qualitativ steuern und überwachen
Enthärtungsanlagen qualitativ steuern und überwachen
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Section1 {PAGE: Section1;} --> Reliably, maintenance-poor and ecological those production of high-purity water is subject today to ever higher technical and economic requirements. A substantial component of the complex process is apart from micro filtration and reverse osmosis the softening of the Rohwassers. This Verfahrensstufe protects stored systems against lime precipitations. For the efficiency of the plant thereby its respective mode of operation is decisive. With the new qualitative Ecosalt measuring procedure of Christian Aqua pharmaceutical one & Biotech are examinations of the Rohwassers immediately reliably, maintenance-poor and ecologically feasible. Conventional methods possess numerous disadvantages in relation to modern analyses to the Enth�rterregeneration: On the one hand the constant and safe monitoring of the soft water quality with the classical quantitative procedures is almost impossible. On the other hand the full capacity of the processing plant is not exhausted. With cyclic photometric measuring procedures only control in a random sampling way of the operability of the system takes place. This causes high maintenance costs and the permanent use of indicator chemicals. The frequent result are faulty measurements and fault signals in the enterprise as well as the high personnel expenditure resulting from it. The potentiometric measuring procedure Ecosalt of Christian Aqua pharmaceutical one & Biotech however serves for to the qualitative control and continuous long-term monitoring of softening units. As a standard component of the Osmotron desalination plants - a process combination of softening, reverse osmosis and Septron EDI technology - it represents a reliable, economical and at the same time environmentalcompatible solution. The operational principle is simple: Under use of a ion-selective electrode for calcium and magnesium molecules an automated and constant measurement of the difference takes place between hard and soft waters. The regeneration of the Enth�rters begins only after reaching a given concentration of the medium. Beyond that the applied difference method makes additional control for measuring functionality possible. This ensures greatest possible protection from hardness break-through and protects the operator cost-intensive damages of diaphragm systems downstream. Thus the use of Ecosalt optimizes the enterprise with constant soft water quality with increased process and procedure security. Besides it provides for significant savings of up to 30 per cent at regeneration salt, raw as well as waste water and thus for a permanently reduced environmental impact. The resources-protective process stage can be re-tooled also in inventory plants without large expenditure. The investment into the ecological construction unit makes itself thus often already paid after less than two years. There is more information for innovative system approach on-line under ldunterschrift: The potentiometric Ecosalt measuring procedure is a standard component of the Osmotron desalination plants. The system makes a qualitative control possible and fully automated monitoring of softening units. A rising soft water hardness is already recognized in small concentrations and permitted thus the optimal use that medium capacity photo: Christian Aqua pharmaceutical one & Biotech�

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HJM MT-Messtechnik Kretz + Wahl Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH